Your Life is in God’s Hands
You are valuable to Me, as a pearl of great price, says the LORD.
I purchased you by My shed blood for you and broken body on the tree. You belong to Me, and I will not settle for less of you than your all.
For your life is in My hands. My Spirit is in you. You are set aside for MY purposes, and you are not for sale.
There is no price tag on your head, and no one can own you. I do. I take care of what belongs to ME, and I will take care of you.
As you relinquish the controls of your life to Me, and give me the reins, I will steer you in the right direction..
I do not need to plan. I have purposed, and it is completely prepared for your discovery, as you hear and obey My voice, says the LORD.
Follow ME, says the LORD. For the voice of others is not your commander, and you are not under bondage. I have set you free.
I will guide you into ALL Truth, and open the eyes of your understanding so that you can see clearly the light that is before you, brightening the path that you are to take.
Walk with Me in this light, and let Me do the leading. For I know exactly where you are, what you need, and I will supply you with what is necessary to fulfill every purpose that I have created you to do.
You are beloved of Me, and I will not bypass you, replace you or set you on the shelf to observed, but not used.
Trust that you are valuable to Me in My Kingdom, and I will use you in My Kingdom, for My glory, as I have purposed while you were yet in the womb of your mother, says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Indeed so Father God, all you have spoken is so unto me. Thank you, as I continue to walk in all your ways, with all knowing that I am in your hands. Hallelujah !!! Thanks be to God, I receive your words.
Amen !