You Will Not Be Barren
You will not be barren or childless, says the LORD, for I have impregnated you with My seed.
You will have many spiritual children and your quiver will be full. They are My heritage, and you will rejoice in all that I give you, says the LORD.
They will not be burdensome to you but your joy shall be great as you birth them, nurture them, and lead them. You will feel great pleasure in watching them grow and learn as you mentor them and support the steps that they take.
For all of your children will arise and call you blessed. They will praise you and honor you and prize you, says the LORD.
Your fruit will remain, says the LORD. For those that you bring up will stand up and be clad with My armor of light. They will be filled with My Spirit and stand as a ready Army in My Kingdom.
You will lead the troops that you have brought forth and trained, and they will become obedient to the commands that you make as you hear them from Me, says the LORD.
For honor and glory are your lot, and as you follow My lead continually, many will come into My Kingdom and glory because of you, and they will honor you and honor My great name, says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Dear sister June
To you is my final message: I deleted my google+ page in this hour.
I want to say Farewell and greet my best friends – and you are one of them – with Hebrew 11:37-40.