HomeProphecy2025You Want More?  A Prophetic Word for 2025


You Want More?  A Prophetic Word for 2025 — 6 Comments

  1. Thank you Joyce, very prophetic Word! The enemy is vying for your attention, surrender it not.  Focus your mind and heart on the WORD of God.. John 14 verse six I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me. We, the children of God are to rely on his promises for our very life.  He promises to never ever leave us or forsake us.  Today is no different. He is the same today as yesterday and tomorrow he never changes, focus on his WORD, not on the enemies fear tactics.  Fear will try your very soul, but when we turn to the promises of the one who stands forever, we are safe. We will be safe thru this reset journey. Everything will be OK. Just hang on to the Father as a dear child would hang on to their daddy‘s hand when crossing a busy street. Read and pray Psalms 91 promises! All will be well in Jesus name AMEN!

    • Thos is such sound wisdom, my friend Betty of many years.
      May God richly bless and overflow you in 2025! ❤️

  2. Thanks for this word, Joyce. I have heard others talking about things happening in this upcoming year of 2025. I believe you are definitely right about storms coming. Trouble is indeed coming! In the midst of it all, like you are saying, our Trust is IN Christ. He is our Defense!

    Bless you, Joyce.

    God bless you!


    • Thank you Rich. May God continually bless your going out and coming in, in these days that lie ahead. One thing we know who upholds us by His might and power!

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