You shall come forth as gold!
Don’t allow the attacks of the enemy to put wear and tear on you mentally and emotionally. He’s only turning up the heat to break you down.
He knows that his season of warring against you is only a temporary test.
So count the heat all joy because it’s only purifying you and when it’s all over, you shall come forth from your trials as pure gold!
“but he knows where I am going. And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold,” Job 23:10.
– by Geraldine Coleman
Geraldine Coleman: Is a teacher and educator and ministers to prisoners at a prison facility where she is an instructor.
Thank You so much for this word its hard to hold on when we have been in the labour ward for such a long time as if this baby won’t be born But the LORd will bring forth his promises. Isaiah 66 vs 9
AMEN. He is faithful. He will not bring the baby into the birthing canal and not allow its delivery. It comes forth NOW in Jesus name.