YOU have to MOVE!
5 Words in 1
YOU have to MOVE!
The next three months will be months of difficult adjustments. I keep hearing the Spirit of The Lord say, YOU HAVE TO MOVE! Spiritually and naturally financially and mentality you can’t stay in the same place in any of these areas.
The adjustments will require you to make uncomfortable decisions that will bring out the ugliness in persons connected, because some will be removed from their current positions and there will be some cutting away, by The Lord!
The familiar places will be eliminated and many will walk totally in faith in this hour. God is having His way in a remnant of people who are called to the church for this hour.
We will see much transition many regional and city moves and uprooting and replanting. Some are in a squeeze play right now and God is waiting on them to surrender to His obedience!
A complete yes is the requirement for those that shall be brought forth in this season!
A Wife, made for her Husband
I heard something so awesome yesterday. The man asked the woman, “Where have you been all my life?” and she answered, “Inside of you!”
Then the Spirit of The Lord spoke to me and said, “I don’t need to pull the rib out until the man gets to a place that he becomes alone. It is then that I build a woman designed from the contents of his heart to compliment him within the earth.
When I present the woman to him she will already know the mandate of her husband the blueprint for the marriage and the plans for the kingdom union.
I will always give the man the wife that already has the spiritual ability to cover him and the family!”
So men, until you get in a position of being alone, your wife can’t be presented! Remember, it’s only one rib being made for you!
No Lone Rangers in God’s Army
Just because you can name every demon in Satan’s kingdom, don’t mean nothing. It’s not whether you know them, it’s whether they know you, through the God you serve.
I’m also going to say this, you need to be filled with the Holy Ghost to know the word of God and have faith, but it is most important, living a saved, sanctified, consecrated, obedient, humble, lifestyle while you are running around calling yourself a demon slayer.
Until you can slay those demons that are ruling you, then you don’t need to challenge demonic spirits. Sin, unrighteous, unforgiveness, disobedience, pride, greed, are some door openers that can cause defeat when facing demonic spirits. Shut the doors in your life before you go trying to kick the doors of hell open!
God doesn’t send us on a mission without proper training and equipment. Some of the people are involved in suicide missions. You don’t realize the dangers in you going on some of the assignments in warfare that you have entered into. Some things are so dangerous that you are not expected to come back from alive, but when God has authorized you for a certain warfare, He already has given you the victory!
Make sure before you start fighting that it’s the fight you suppose to be in!
All Title – no power
All that title and no anointing, no power, no validation, to go with it? Regardless of what people say, if you say you are walking in a certain calling, then there needs to be evidence of what the calling represents.
That’s why people make up titles, so they don’t have to have a description of who they are and what they are doing. They don’t have to explain or show evidence in the word of their actions or lack of them. They operate from a “make-it-up-as-I-go,” because this title is not real anyhow, mentality.
No need to argue with them, when they don’t want to listen after while the right demon or devil will come along to announce that they don’t know them. It’s about to be a lot of naked people being ran out the church!
If it’s not authorized by God, it won’t be covered by heaven.
NOTE: You can operate a gift without repentance, but you going to need God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost for authentic power!
Go forth and collect the Spoils from the Battles
I keep hearing these words this morning as the Spirit of The Lord shook me awake, GO FORTH AND COLLECT THE SPOILS FROM THE BATTLES!
I heard Him say multiple blessings are being released. Multiple streams of income are coming forth. Multiple avenues of wealth is being created.
I keep hearing the Spirit of The Lord saying, I HAVE ALREADY ESTABLISHED THE RELEASED!
The outpour of His time of glory is upon those that He has already chosen to receive it. The rain of His presence has sent moisture upon your ground you have sown in and your fruit is coming forth in your now season. Kingdom warriors have fought for your harvest intercession has been made on your behalf.
I hear, “Dust your plans and blueprint off remember the promises that God made to you.” His words are being brought into natural existence. Kingdom visions must be financed in this hour to fulfilled God’s will.
Selfishness and greedy hearts won’t be honored with this wealth transfer. Remember God knows your heart and motives. Seeds that were sown with impurity and ungodly motives won’t be honored. Obedient and righteous seeds will be honored and the crop is ready to be harvest.
Get ready, there are some Josephs, there are some Solomons, there are some Abrahams, there are some Davids, about to be blessed.
Nation suppliers, kingdom builders, blessing releaser’s, inheritance gather’s, are all about to see God move. He has chosen those to be blessed for such a time as this so get ready it’s about to be an exchange of wealth.
Many people will attempt to claim this word, but you must have already met the conditions for it to come to pass. This is not a name it claim it situation because this remnant of wealth carriers has been tried tested proven to be trusted unselfish full of unconditional love faithful obedient holy righteous full of the Holy Ghost.
They have been made through much persecution to be humble and no pride can be in them. These are vessels that refuse to take God’s glory and are not trying to build a name for themselves but they always glorify The Lord.
God has hand picked them because what is about to happen upon the earth these vessels have to think of others more than themselves. Sudden wealth will be released in unusual ways. The unrighteous is coming to give into the Kingdom but only to those that have been chosen for such a time as this!
~ Apostle Barbara R. Thomas
Mat 9:16-17. Dispensation of Mighty Power of Holy Ghost
Thanks Lord to let your prophet sending the precious word.