You Have Been Through the Fire
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You Have Been Through the Fire
I hear the Father saying:
“You have been through the fire My child, and are coming out not smelling like smoke.
You have been through the flood and have not drown; for I have been with you.
The trials and temptations, which you have suffered were to bring you to the place of My promise, as I prepared you for the harvest that is ahead.
This is the season of My greatness, and I have brought forth My right hand to make you great, as I purge the bloodstains out of your walls that have tried to pull at you with iniquity.
They have been removed, as I have justified you in the Blood of the Lamb, giving you authority and power from above, to know the power of My Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven, which is coming like a flood!
I AM sending the tide of My outpouring forth in this hour, and I have put My eyes on the nations, seeing those who are ready for what is to come.
I AM visiting the Land of America with the brightness of My Son, causing her to be a lighthouse in this hour, as I send a healing rain, a revival rain, a latter rain!
I will cause your latter to be greater than your former, as I move upon you My child, causing your entire house to be saved, bringing in the prodigals and giving the richest of faith upon those who are healed from their backsliding, as I open their mouth to prophesy and to declare My Word of truth!
I AM the God of greatness, and as My servant Moses saw the knowledge of My glory and worshipped Me, I will open the eyes of the old and young, to see Me glory in this hour, as I move heaven and earth, causing the power of the Kingdom of Heaven to be made known!
I will bring wondrous signs in the heavens displaying the hour of My greatness and truth, releasing the increase of My anointing to My servants who have been humble and have served Me!
You have not left houses for nothing, but I will repay you in this hour, as you have suffered for My Name’s sake, and for the work of the Cross of Christ, I will reward you well in this hour, My laborers, My humble ones, My servants.”
I receive it Lord!
God bless!
Excerpt from “Destiny” by Robin Kirby Gatto
“Trials might include our marriage going through a shaking, health concerns, our children experiencing attacks, and financial difficulty.
As our sophistication and maturing in faith occurs, we might look at others thinking that they are blessed, while our world is in total chaos making us feel vexed.
Here, God exposes that which we have used as a barometer to measure everything, because it is the OLD PALATE, the old taste buds that affect all that we see.
When someone ruminates, as they are thinking and considering a matter, they are gauging it against the meals of their past, which ends up clouding their perception.
Anytime we use a past meal as our barometer, where we have not been educated in the sophistication of flavors, we will not adequately be able to gauge or distinguish a new meal that is on a completely different level, thereby under appreciating its complexity and excellence.
Past meals, which are flavors that need to be pulled out of our mind, are the memories that have affected our ability to perceive God’s grace, which is the ANOINTING!”
A saint crying out to God for fullness of deliverance and the manifestation of salvation.
~ Robin Kirby Gatto
Robin Kirby-Gatto operates in the prophetic, bringing the testimony of Jesus into the earth through the scripture Revelation 19:10 “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Robin walks in God’s Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding and is brought into areas to bring a revelation of God’s Truth, The Word as the Holy Spirit brings forth God’s anointing into her ministry.
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