HomeProphecy2020You Can Begin Again! (Updated)


You Can Begin Again! (Updated) — 11 Comments

  1. Amen and Amen!
    I begin again daily!
    I, like Paul, die daily!
    I am transformed by beholding HIM!
    GOD has placed me in HIM!
    HE never leaves me, nor forsakes me!
    HE strengthens me, and upholds me with HIS RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND!!
    I am sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of my physical redemption!!
    Washed in HIS BLOOD! Redeemed, justified, continually cleansed, sanctified, made righteous, a son, a saint, a king, a priest, the healed, predestined, elect, chosen, blessed, protected, directed and favored! All by HIS GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN HIS SACRIFICE FOR me. HE SUPPLIED IT ALL! It is finished!!
    Thank You Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you Sandi!

    • Thank you Marc for your confirming word. How blessed are we to by redeemed by the blood. THanking God today once more that HE always supplies and His timing is perfect. Missing Kansas and you two already. Much love and blessings, Sandi

  2. Dear Sandi,

    Such a refreshing word.  I could sense hope and dreams rising as I read this. I believe the Lord wants us to dream again, hope again. After a real deep repentance – always comes freedom from His portals of grace. Blessing and joy ahead for the obedient ones. Shalom

    • Liz, I truly appreciate your encouragement. I believe it is time to dream again and dream big, May the blessings of the Lord overtake you as you press into this amazing time and move deeper into your purpose and assignment. Peace, love, and joy unspeakable, Sandi

  3. Hi Sandi, We have such a loving Abba.  One can hear Him through this Word. Loving and encouraging each step of the way. I love the ending, about intentionally choosing life. I recall a good awhile ago writing something and it had the words, be intentional. Such wisdom from our Abba, the best Father His sons and daughters could ever have. We can be so thankful for our Heavenly Father who loves us with such a great and tender love. We so need His wisdom and guidance in this hour.
    Love you sis, Patricia ❤️

    • Indeed, Patricia, HE is the MOST LOVING FATHER we could ever imagine. May we be filled with His wisdom for this season of deep deception and time of reveal that which has been concealed. Thank for your encouraging input..I say, where in the world would we be if we had no intentionally chosen Him and how would we survive this tragic mess if we don’t intentionally choose HIM. Much love to you, my sister, Sandi

  4. I receive this for myself because I believe it is my time to rise up and be healed and go forth.  Please keep me in your prayers.

  5. Your prophic words pierced my soul & spirit today. I feel your Godly words were just for me. I am not a cried, but God’s rehma words brought me to tears with
    God’s love, peace, hope & anticipation.

  6. May the Blood that cleanses afresh pour forth, over my family, friend, and loved ones.  And pour forth His Favour upon my enemies and those who have made my life difficult, that they may feel His love and live.  In Christ, amen

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