You Are Made in My Image!
Beloved. I knit you together in your mother’s womb and I have stored within you POTENTIAL.
You are made in My Image. Within you, My Child, is a currently unrealized but POWERFUL Holy Substance. I AM “striking a match” to this potential in you.
The Torch of My Love is turning your potential into a powerful reality. Some of My Children have an idea of your potential, yet many have not become aware.
When you are born again, this potential is awakened. You were once dead, now you are ALIVE in Christ. You are a NEW creation. There are NO duplicates, Dear One.
What I have placed in you CANNOT be replaced or imitated. I in you, and you in Me. You are set apart, holy and righteous through My free Gift of salvation. You are being changed from glory to greater glory.
I have made you to be My POWERFUL witnesses, burning BRIGHTLY with My Love. No demon in hell will be able to withstand or stop My plans for your life. This smoldering wick in your heart shall become a flaming Torch.
This Holy Energy is My Glory being released through you. You are My Glorious Bride come into My Kingdom and raised up for such a time as this.
Potential: a currently unrealized ability.
Potential energy, expressed in science as U [ You ] is energy that is stored within an object, not in motion but capable of becoming active. Whenever there is an attraction between two objects, there is a type of energy called “potential energy” which exists when the objects are separated. When they are brought together, KINETIC energy is released, (flame to a match).
“Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness,” Genesis 1:26.
“Thine eyes did see mine unformed substance; And in thy book they were all written, [Even] the days that were ordained [for me], When as yet there was none of them,” Psalm 139:16.
“My heart was hot within me, while I was musing the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue,” Psalm 39:3.
“They asked one another, “Were not our hearts burning within us as Jesus spoke with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” Luke 24:32.
“And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14.
“and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator,” Colossians 3:10.
“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the POWER AT WORK within us,” Ephesians 3:20.
~Deborah Waldron Fry
I am here for a reason i have a purpose for he knew my substance before he formed me.
The Light of Christ lives in me. Thank you Abba!