You Are HIS Divine Carriers!!
I hear the Spirit say, “Beloved, you are carriers of My Glory!
You are carriers of My Fire and My Favour!
You are carriers of My Healing, Restoration and Redemption Power!
You are carriers of My Wisdom, Counsel and Understanding of the times!
You are carriers of My Strength and Might!
You are carriers of My Knowledge and Truth!
You are carriers of The Fear of the LORD!
You are carriers of My Light and Liberty!
You are carriers of My Love and Grace!
You are carriers of divine strategy and clarity!
You are carriers of My Anointing and Authority!
Now go beloved and impart what has been given to you,” says the Spirit of God.
Always remember the more we give away the more we receive….!
I Prophesy: This is your season to increase, expand and overflow!!
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West