Yes, You Will Soar Like an Eagle!
“Come out from the bondage of religious mentality and traditions of man, and enter into My spectacular Glory,” says The LORD.
“I will bring you into the realm of My Glory as I pour out My Spirit and fire upon you and in you.
“I will release you from the narrow mindset of forms and formulas that are binding and unproductive.
“I will empower you to witness the impossible done right in front of your eyes, as you come forth, as a butterfly emerges from the cocoon that has kept it in darkness and confinement,” says The LORD.
“You will sour like an eagle, as you ascend higher and higher in My Presence,: says The LORD.
:Your perspective will change. My Word will no longer be misused and misdirected as many have interpreted it and made it weak and unproductive.
“You will Know that My Word is powerful, productive, saving, providing, healing, delivering, life changing, sanctifying, and empowering.
“No more weak words that do nothing. I will give you My Mind and My Thoughts and My Ways that will produce My Will as I share My Heart with you and give you a NEW liberty that you never had before.
“I will use you to expand My Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, as you COME out from among them and come close to ME, and learn of ME, and allow Me to be your covering, your companion, your partner, your LORD, your Director, your GOD,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Father, it’s a honor, and my major pleasure, learn from you, and have your companion (for sure!). I want to be a better partner to you, and i trust on you to help me on that; my dreaming partnership.
I’m so happy, so glad learning and working in the same time (a working full of good surprises and discoveries); it’s like i have found the most precious treasure ever, and the beauty of all that is my job — and what i want — is to share the infinite richness with all that recognize it’s value (an inheritance to the humble); a dreaming job.
We want to be ambassadors of your kingdom, with all honor that your name deserves; help us to be pure and simple like the lamb (for the honor to sacrifice of the lamb and his name).