Yes! You Are A Warrior!
“Never overestimate the evil one,” says The LORD.
“He has no power over you! I AM the All powerful One who is with you always. How can you be overcome by an enemy that I have already defeated?
“I cannot be overpowered, and I have given you power to tread on demons and evil spirits that came to steal, kill, and destroy. You are not a push-over or a victim,” says The LORD.
“You are a warrior that is empowered to conquer and to defeat the works of the enemy, even as I do,” says The LORD.
“I have equipped and empowered you to do as I do, by The Sword of My Spirit,” says The LORD.
“Use it! For the weapons that I have given you are MORE powerful than those poised against you. You have My shield. You have My Sword. You have MY armor, and YOU HAVE ME!
“Rise up and fight, and declare the victory, as you are armed and dangerous to the enemy that will not resist you, but run in terror of you, as you use your powerful weapons that I have given you to defeat him every time,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Thank you.thank u for this PoweRFUL message. Wonderful☝☝☝
HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!! glory to our king my abba father!!!!!who is soon to come i just want to do his will and be ready too.
Hallelujah! I choose to walk in the victory the Lord has given to all who have received Him as Lord and believe He is able to do all He says He will. I give Him all glory, honor, and praise!
Amen, He has given us power over all the power of the enemy.