HomeProphecyYearning for the Heart of Jesus


Yearning for the Heart of Jesus — 11 Comments

  1. ahhh…I can feel and sense so much in the midst of this deep union-cord of agreement…
    May there be many such “three-fold -unions” in this Hour, with Jesus in the midst…For in the unity of the brethren, the priestly anointing comes forth..It’s where Father commands the blessing! LIFE FOREVER MORE!!!

    I can feel the air currents taking us higher…towards the purity and power of His Light….

    I can see in a Q.V. (quick vision) a close up of Joyce as if she’s looking out from the UK shores towards the Southwest…on a large dock with “indigo cords tied to a tall pole, as if “welcoming”….(indigo would indicate revelation knowledge- nu?)…, a strong wind causing great swells in the seas…She’s bundled up in a big warm coat,collar up, hair whipping in the wind, smiling, her eyes deep and bright with anticipation…

    Psalms 133 Amp…A Song ofAscents…of David.
    BEHOLD, HOW good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
    It is like the precious ointment poured on the head, that ran down on the beard, even the beard of Aaron [the first high priest], that came down upon the collar and skirts of his garments [consecrating the whole body].
    It is like the dew of [lofty] Mount Hermon and the dew that comes on the hills of Zion; for there the Lord has commanded the blessing, even life forevermore [upon the high and the lowly].
    (see also Ps 134/135)*

    Deep heart Blessings

  2. All I can say Sandi, is thank you! This Word very much spoke to me and I can identify with so much of it. I very much felt you wrote this out of the furnace of affliction. A deeper walk and height you have attained to share and help us all. This is just one of the portions that jumped out at me.”Many can hear Truth — and yet not receive Revelation. It is all about the heart.” That helped me put some pieces to a puzzle together. May God bless your efforts and obedience. I love you, sis.

    • Sandi, you said,
      He said, ‘My daughter, guard you heart against Idolatry which is rampant in the world today, which is a self-serving unregenerate form of love.
      It always insists on it’s own way and manifests as arrogant, rude, resentful, and extremely manipulative….
      OH….MY…..just wrecks me…”so close to home”….
      Any workings of “selfishness” that lurk within our way…must be taken to His Cross…purged by His blood… “lower still Lord”….
      He takes our alabaster boxes…which have been broken and poured out before Him….but then He bids us….to allow Him to crush the “form” even further ….to the finest powder in order that we would be fashioned within Him….our Hearts then beating within His…(2 Peter1: 2-9)…exercising these virtues as we reach for the next, faith/moral excellence; knowledge/self-control….to brotherly affection and finally ready for the sacrifice required of …true ….Christian Love…
      Sometimes it’s a lonely walk…as we follow our Beloved.

      “May His Mindset be our true motivation”…(Philippians 2:5)

      Thank you again Sandi for these deep rich treasures…
      and “Mama Joyce”, May our “agreement in Him” serve to form His virtue within….

        • Joyce, as I spoke of the three fold cord, I realized..the Father sacrificed His son and represents true love, the Son was willing and obedient to lay down his life, and the Holy Spirit was sent to comfort, be a Helper, ?but HE is the Spirit of truth, and when there are 3 in agreement as in a 3 fold cord..they are filled with His love, willing and obedient and are walking in Truth (they are lovers of truth) and these three represent the 3 ingredients that bring agreement of that measure. Actually, our spirits are bearing witness to TRUTH and LOVE and OBEDIENCE AS ONE. What do you think? Just saying! xoxo Sandi

          • Sandi, beautiful. Thank you for correcting the way you meant it! I understand now. The unity of which way we all flowed was simply amazing! You see God has often give me 3 fold cords even in prayer circles. I often yearn for Unity with the brethren. It breaks my heart and the Father’s heart with so much division! That particular day I felt such an amazing love for all, I couldn’t help but weep before Him! I love you sis.

            • I didn’t mean that to be “set in stone” it was just what I saw when I saw the flow of agreement. It was much more than just “being on the same page”, it was having the same heart flowing with His heart whereas “being on the same page” in more that seeing eye to eye, not necessarily seeing through His eyes of love, truth and faithful obedience, Just sayin’. It is so very rare but I believe He is setting those 3 fold cords in place to stand together in multiplication of power for this “hour of power”.Sandi xoxo

            • My texting skills are terrible. I meant to say “being on the same page is more like seeing eye to eye in the natural but the 3 fold cord is seeing through His eyes of love, truth and faithful obedience and bringing that together for the power of ONE in agreement. Sandi

            • Sandi, hey hey I can read all you wrote but our thread has gotten so long, it won’t let me jump in right place… Lol. Still beautiful understanding you gave on it all! ❤

      • Oh My..yes, what can I say except it is a lonely walk. Some walks you have to take alone. Yes, our agreement dear Shelley as I spoke to you in the email you sent is dynamic..powerfilled and beating with the rhythm of HIS HEART because we are marching to His heavenly tune in many areas of agreement. Forever grateful for your motivation as we press on to the High calling…not by chance, but by choice. I love 2 Peter 1. One of my favs! So much love and blessings, Sandi xoxo

    • Amen, my sister on the “furnace of affliction”, yep, you are a prophet alright! LOL! I am coming down to the finish line I hope on this very long assignment. Thanks so much for the insightful encouragement that I so needed in this hour. I thank God for you and a few others in this HKP family. You are the best and last but not least, Angus and Jill will never know how they have held my hands up so many many times with their love and insights along with their patience with my “computer errors and hiccups”, HA! Thankful that it spoke to you. I believe His eagles are flying a little higher into the next year with greater strength as we pulled out all our feathers in this last season of affliction. God richly bless you as you continue this love walk til the last mile dear one. Much love to you, Sandi xoxo

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