HomeProphecyX O DUS : A Strange and Powerful Dream


X O DUS : A Strange and Powerful Dream — 15 Comments

  1. Noah’s Ark rested on Mount Ararat (In Hebrew meaning “The Curse Reversed”) in the month of Nisan on the 17th day.

  2. Noah’s Ark landed on Mount Ararat (in Hebrew means The curse reversed) in the 19th month Nisan in the 17th day.

  3. Jesus died on the cross in the 10th month of Nisan on the 14th and was resurrected on the 17th.

  4. 4 2 8 in Hebrew Name of Jehovah 2 4 2

    In April, totality will last longer than it did in 2017. Seven years ago, the longest period of totality was experienced near Carbondale, Illinois, at 2 minutes, 42 seconds.

    For the upcoming eclipse, totality will last up to 4 minutes, 28 seconds, in an area about 25 minutes northwest of Torreón, Mexico. As the eclipse enters Texas, totality will last about 4 minutes, 26 seconds at the center of the eclipse’s path.

  5. 4 2 8 in Hebrew Name of Jehovah 2 4 2

    In April, totality will last longer than it did in 2017. Seven years ago, the longest period of totality was experienced near Carbondale, Illinois, at 2 minutes, 42 seconds.

    For the upcoming eclipse, totality will last up to 4 minutes, 28 seconds, in an area about 25 minutes northwest of Torreón, Mexico. As the eclipse enters Texas, totality will last about 4 minutes, 26 seconds at the center of the eclipse’s path. Durations longer than 4 minutes stretch as far north as Economy, Indiana. Even as the eclipse exits the U.S. and enters Canada, the eclipse will last up to 3 minutes, 21 seconds.

  6. In the 6,000th year, 50 years after 1967 in 2017 the 120th Year of Jubilee Donald J. Trump decrees Jerusalem belongs to the Jews. Five Hebrew letters equal 2220 meaning The End of Grace. 6,000 =120 x 50 Jubilees.

  7. The revelation of this gematria is also significant in light of the following facts of the historical dates relating to Israel and the USA and their similarities. It was significant that there was 19 years between May 14th, 1948 and The Six Day War June 5th, 1967 and then 50 years later December 6th, 2017, Donald J. Trump declared Jerusalem to be the capitol that belongs to The Jewish Nation. Later on May 14th, 2018 The US established an embassy in Jerusalem. 2017 is the 6000th year. 2024 is 7 years later the end of the Shmita period in 2029. The end of this “fig tree generation” is 2029.

  8. X = Anointed
    ‘X’ is also the Greek abbreviation for Christ (anointed) coming from the Greek letter Chi, the first letter of the word Christós, Χριστός, Khristós.

  9. The “O DUS” also echoes a dream Dutch Sheets shared recently where he was repeatedly singing the opening words of “The Star Spangled Banner,”:
    “Oh say can you SEE”
    in the KEY of C with angelic accompaniment including a silver trumpet!
    It was as if it was a prophetic declaration opening the eyes of the people to waken them!
    Amen and amen to ALL the facets of this and other dreams decreeing the extraordinary reformation the Lord is orchestrating!
    God bless you, Veronika, for all you and your associates are doing to keep us grounded and to usher in the Kingdom!!!

  10. Prophetic Seer gift in operation – a fascinating Supernatural revelation of the ordering of ‘Numbers’ – The Book of ‘Numbers’ begins w/continuation of the Mosaic period of E X O DUS

    Numbers 10:11-12 KJV 25:18 ‘Numbers’ is divided in 2 parts: separation & preparation
    1. One generation – Yahweh’s deliverance, disobedience, decline….XCept Joshua & Caleb
    2. Next generation – Preparation of the Promised Land Num. 26:-36:

    ‘separation’ for ‘preparation’ The New Kingdom Era – The Shake…Shift and Shout!