Wrong Will Be Right, When He Emerges!
At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more, the enemy will flee, the winter season you have found yourself in will meet its death.
Can you hear The Mighty Roar that is vibrating in The Heavens?
The Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered! Jesus has overcome!
And when God speaks, just as a lion’s roar provokes fear, the Word of The LORD provokes prophecy.
Now I am not talking about the prophecy so many are clambering after today, the type that is little more than divination dressed up in Biblical language.
I’m talking about men and women of God willing to stand in this generation and declare, “Thus sayeth The LORD!” — men and women who confidently stand on the authority of Scripture and declare that it truly is the unshakable, unbreakable, untameable, Living Word of the Living God.
Let the warriors arise to release the roar as we draw near to the new year 2020.
Those who have heard the Mighty Lion roar, whose blood is set on fire by the all-consuming Word of God, who feel they cannot but speak who like Jeremiah of old, would say
If I say, “I will not mention Him, or speak any more in His Name,” there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot.
~ Dana Jarvis
Dana Jarvis has a calling upon her life and Hezekiah’s Wall Ministry came from a Word The LORD spoke to her. His words resonated in her Spirit and is what Hezekiah’s Wall Ministry is all about ~ to Equip, Empower, Encourage, and Raise Up his Sons and Daughters for such a time as this!
A Prophetic Seer/ Intercessor, Minister, Author & Christian Coach/ Prophetic Mentor, Dana is blessed by Abba to be one of His Leading Ladies for such a time as this. Feel free to contact Dana as she would love to hear from you!