World War III
“I have said to you, that World War III is coming and is even at the door.
I would have you to cry out to Me for the Nations of the earth and together we will see, if by prayer the plans of the enemy can be deterred.
I say to you, the hour is late, the hour is very late and man has fought, and man has connived and man has lied and,” says The LORD, “they have fought against Me and My Ways so many times, that I have turned them over and allowed them to go their own way,
But I say unto you, I have heard the righteous cries of My People.
I have heard the righteous cry in the earth saying, “God help us!” “God set us free, they have taken us captive!” “Set us free!”
And so I say to you, sit together with Me and talk with Me and intercede and pray, and together we will see if there’s another way as intercession goes forth before My Throne, if the plans of the enemy can be deterred.
It is always My Desire, to thwart the plans of the enemy.
It is always, My Desire to have peace instead of war.
It is My Desire that My Children live in blessing and not under the curse,” says The LORD.
“I came to redeem My Children from the curse of The Law, and so let this be your intercession.
Let this be a cry to Me! Let this be a cry of Repentance for the sins in your land, and the lands of the earth and see if we can reason together.
See if the cup can be tipped away from the winds of War!
I AM your Commander in Chief and I would have My Church to pray and intercede and be on The Wall like never before.
It’s time for The Wall to be filled with the cries of My People seeking their deliverance from the enemy.
Then I shall surely move in the land, and you shall find favour in the land, you shall find blessing and wars and strife will cease for a season, as My Children continue to cry out to Me.
Continue to cry out to Me, continue to cry out, and continue to pray for the lost to be saved!”
~ Patricia Hamel
Patricia Hamel is a Canadian prophetic voice raised up for today as a gift to The Body of Christ and with a deep hunger for The Body of Christ to become mature sons and daughters. A servant of The LORD, she stands in the gap for her Nation of Canada, for the United States of America and all Nations. Israel is always on her heart, and it is with this heart that she ministers. Out of her relationship with The LORD Jesus Christ, she speaks the Words of The LORD through her own Ministry, Scribal Prophet.
Mary, I thought my first comment had not posted so I posted a second one so please excuse the double comments. Thanks Patricia.❤️
Dear Elizabeth,
Yes, indeed! Father loves us so much and is not willing that any should perish. Thank you for sharing a word of wisdom with us.❤️
ANEN! IF MY PEOPLE, called by name… 2nd Chronicles 7:14!!! IT’S TIME To PRAY cHURChurch Like NEVER BEDORE‼️☝
Hi Mary, That Scripture speaks volumes. Thank you for posting it.
We need to be reminded of it often. Patricia.❤️
Mary, Thank you for bringing our attention to this Scripture. It is much needed in this present hour and is a key to the Kingdom. ❤️
Thank you for this.
Thank you for your comment Staci. ❤️
Dear Patricia –
You have surely captured the heart of our Heavenly Father here. He is yearning to turn back the enemy’s plan – and deliver, rescue us. Thank you for posting.