Words of Encouragement
I pray you have a blessed year ahead.
I pray for right Doors to open before you and the one’s you’re not supposed to walk through be closed.
I pray for a Healing to take place within your body, even now it would start, in Jesus’ Name Amen!
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“For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes— so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to Me and let me heal them.” Matthew 13:15
Hearts have become hardened. This is heavy on God’s Heart.
He wants to set some people free, but their hearts have been hardened towards others and even towards God.
I really am sensing for those who need this message that God really wants to do a work within you.
He wants to bring some deep healing to you.
My Prayer is that God would turn those stony hearts into flesh.
It grieves The LORD when we say words that hurts others or look down upon them and see them less then. Isn’t that pride too?
You never know what they are going through or have gone through.
Don’t try to make yourself look better by talking about them because you don’t feel great about yourself.
It’s time to repent and turn towards God.
Look for the good in others.
In His love 💗
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I saw a beautiful video recently and this young women did not have much.
She lived in a very old apartment with bare minimum and everything was run down. She trusted in God and God eventually brought increase in her life. She remained thankful with the little that she did have and eventually God blessed her with much.
Reach out to Him. Continue to seek after The LORD. Praise his Holy name.
Give of the little that you do have. I am hearing for that one today that God is truly going to turn your life around.
I am also hearing give yourself permission to love again. I hope this encourages someone today. He is with you and he sees.
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Gods got this. Let him settle those anxious thoughts.
Is anything to hard for God? No!
Trust Him in this.
For another The LORD always provides a way of escape.
LORD, settle those anxious thoughts within them. Quite them. I pray for a healing within your mind and declare peace be still.
“I want you to be free from concerns.” 1 Corinthians 7:32
“Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3
“Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks.” Philippians 4:6
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I want to encourage someone today.
God is greater than this trial. The opposition you are facing is bringing you into a greater breakthrough.
Trust Him. He will comfort you during this time as you go to Him.
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See to it that God has got a purpose in it!
“All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.
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As I sat with The LORD in prayer and He impressed upon me these Words:
“I AM going to turn those with calloused hearts, towards Me.
They will need to look to their LORD and Saviour.
The time is coming when I will shake the heavens and the earth.
All shall know me from the least to the greatest.
I AM troubling the waters!”
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Your time with The LORD is precious and sacred.
It’s your time. It’s his time to speak to you and your time to listen.
It’s your time to rest. It’s your time to hear.
It’s your time to feel and know Gods perfect love for you.
It’s time to hear his guidance and direction.
Don’t forget that Secret Place.
Be still and know.
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God will help you if you ask Him.
In fact he is waiting for you to ask him. He wants to be of assistance to you.
Don’t shut him out. There is an answer that he wants to give you.
Ask, seek, and knock and the door will be opened unto you.
Praying 🙏🏻
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God is with you and He will not fail you.
He is for you and not against you.
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Remember God’s Thoughts are higher than your thoughts — and His Ways are higher than your ways!
I see someone teetering on a slide. Back and forth back and forth.
I am hearing “Stability”.
Stability is going to be your Word.
God is going to bring you personally into a time of stability. You will not have to fear. You will be stable in Him.
Even though things will be shaken around you. You will be stable in Him. Stable in His Word. Divine strategy will come to you.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares The LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
~ Kelly Ewing
Kelley — Her heart’s desire is to remain in the secret place and abide in His love.
Norman , God bless you! He loves you so. I am sorry you had to walk that out. I understand. I truly do. He knows and He understands. He knows your heart. You are a blessing to Him. He wants you to know that.
God bless you all! I am happy to be back!
Praise God!
Welcome back!!! I have certainly missed you. Appreciate the word. Be blessed
I love all souls, dear sister Kelley and sincerely/truly respect your post. I have a small circle, God is healing me gradually from all of the hurt and pain, in which I’ve experienced from the Church, my enemies, has shown more true love, than many of those who are called/chosen by God.
I’ve experienced personally in my life, for years, but many don’t see it. Is God good enough to give a prophetic Word, but not an encouraging or Word of love? How salt and fresh water flows from the same lips regularly, I will never understand.
Many of times, the Bride of Jesus Christ is attacked daily, reprimanded, condemned, etc, more so than the Gospel of Jesus Christ being preached to the lost, more so busy bodies, spirit of gossiping and so forth, so I walk not trusting many, until the Holy Spirit reveals the true spirit within that individual.
Thank you, for your encouragement and Spirit filled post, words of encouragement, love and compassion. I naturally have a compassionate heart, but because of being targeted by the Church with condemnation/judgment, my heart began to grow weary with resentment, but God began to show me those chosen vessels of his, who bear his Love, compassion, those who are truly desiring to see souls eternally Saved, set free, filled with the Holy Spirit. God bless you, sister Kelley!❤️
Praise God! Amen and Amen! God bless you, dear sister Kelley! I pray that you are doing and feeling well in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! I thank God for allowing you to share this post, as I do visit His Kingdom Prophecy often, encouraged from those posts, in which the Holy Spirit directs me to embrace, according to his divine will. I’ve been through quite a bit spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally, truly understanding that is by the Spirit of God who has been keeping me through it all.
I always like to examine my heart and commune with God, especially when those who are supposed to be my true brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, but instead of love, there seems to be judgment or condemnation projected to me, not the love of Jesus Christ, opposed to sincerely praying for a beloved brother, there is more so condemnation, so I’ve closed myself off from drawing close to people in general for years, opening up to those individuals, with whom I feel the Holy Spirit has sent my way.
My heart desires humility, compassion towards all souls and to show love, opposed to coming across as hateful. Many true prophets are not received, due to the false projection of love presented, from those titled with the name prophet or prophetess, as I myself don’t feel the love, so many move on in Jesus Christ, lonely, not trusting, paining or hurt, because those they should be able to confide in or speak to, show them the same lack of love as the world does.
Amen Hallelujah
BLESS the be your Name
I shall write these word in my heart
I shall wait on you Lord
I ask that you speak
I pray to hear your Voice as I listen.