Withstand the Storm!
In the recent years, there has been an increase of Christians using their Faith and even Scriptures (of course, twisting them) to invoke actions that are anything but the display of love, patience, gentleness, or temperance (self-control).
From politics and social media, to the pulpit; western Christians have become impulsive, critical, arrogant, opinionated, and some, even violent.
A couple of years ago, The LORD spoke to me and said that the rise of “Christian Nationalism” and the obsession with Social Media (the need to be seen and/ or recorded) was going to lead to unprecedented persecution in the western Church.
He also informed me this is why the greatest move [of God] is happening in the Underground Church: there’s no lust for public approval or reputation.
In the next several months (moving into the beginning of next year), we will see a major shift occur.
Those who have true discernment will know the signs (as a warning), but many will be deceived into thinking it’s one way, only to shortly find out it will be another — and because so many are ruled by their emotions, we will see a rise in protests and even riots.
In this season, it is important that the saints (the TRUE church of Jesus Christ) be rooted in Him; that we may withstand the storm.
It will also be important to ask for, and operate in wisdom and discernment. Great darkness has descended, and too many are unaware because they have become spiritually numb.
The prayers that you prayed four years ago are not going to be enough for this season. It is time to come higher and to go deeper: to be disciplined both in the flesh and the soul.
It is time to cast off the things that have weighed you down and the little things that trip you (distractions) so that we can be the light and salt that Christ has appointed us to be.
“Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for The LORD’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. As free people, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God.” 1 Peter 2:13-16.
Shabbat Shalom
~ Mena Lee Jones
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries
Mena Lee Jones of Faithful Walk Healing Ministries operates in the office of a prophet, ministers, counsels, mentors and prays for anyone who is in need of Christ’s eternal love. Her purpose is to bring His {Jesus Christ} truth and light to a lost generation.
That’s not really Christians. Like the so called. Church. Jesus called them the synagogue of Satan. The true Church and true Christians don’t do things like that. Anyone can call themselves Christians. We’ll know the tree by the fruit that it bares.
Well spoken, Mena. So true, the church is caught up in self for sure. Amen to what you said: “the obsession with Social Media (the need to be seen and/ or recorded) was going to lead to unprecedented persecution in the western Church. He also informed me this is why the greatest move [of God] is happening in the Underground Church: there’s no lust for public approval or reputation. When the Lord took me off FB a while back, He said you cannot stand against the spirit of competition and comparison and vying for attention and be a part of it. When it put me back on, He said, you are here to reconnect with 12 people from your past and stand in the gap for a wake up call to the church and the lost and lonely. Thanks for sharing. Sandi Holman