Wipe the Slate Clean!
Beloved, a few days ago, The LORD said to me, “Are you completely aware of the many changes that are now taking place, that have been prophesied by you and others regarding The New Day,The New Starts and similar topics?
I say to you, the reality of WHO I AM in you shall replace the WHAT I can do for you, with what I AM NOW DOING IN YOU and THROUGH YOU.
You have stepped over the Threshold and into the Door of your true New Beginning.
You will know that I have saved the best for last.
Have you noticed how many pieces of the puzzle are falling into place?”
The LORD continued with what sounded like a fresh new plan. He said, “Stop and make sure you are RECOGNIZING that I AM wiping the slate clean of yesterday, and I AM solemnly saying, I AM moving quickly to put everything in place just as I promised.
Do not look back! Yesterday is gone!!”
No Regrets!
Almost immediately, I saw myself in a Vision — looking back. Over a long period of time, I have looked back at my life and entertained the spirit of regret.
Before I could speak, He continued to speak to me, “Daughter, as you have continued to look back and entertain the spirit of regret, you did not realize that regret was ministering to you to reject yourself.
You must let go of this spirit and cooperate with the process of Change taking place in this hour.
We have already gone over this ground of rejection and the slate was wiped clean.
I say, yesterday is gone. You must make this day count!
I AM speaking to My Chosen Ones! It is the time to wipe the slate clean.
I have heard the heart cries of frustration, indecision, and struggling for understanding and clarity coming from so many in this Season of CHANGE.
It is now the moment of deliverance from all crisis mindsets and regrets that are hindering your eternal expectation.
It is the set time for expansion and there is no room for limitations that are trapping My Chosen Ones through the spirit of deception.
It is not a time to be entangled with the affairs of the world. I AM singling My People out to receive new strategy and serve eviction notice to the enemy for he has come and invaded illegally.
There is no more time to waste! Take your stand and stop him in his tracks!” says the Father God.
“Even though I have shown you that a day was on the horizon to step into new territory, your actions are not lining up with that promise.
I AM giving My People a chance to make up for lost time, as you wipe the slate clean and prepare your heart to launch out into the deep.
Walking in the significance of your calling in a chaotic world is not for the faint of heart, but I AM here to remind you that you are in a time that demands Fearless Faith that fails not.
My Word plainly states that “the just shall live by Faith” — and now is the hour to step in and do not look back, for I AM strengthening your heart to beat again with Hope as you embrace your predestined time.
Your gift and call is unique and needed and it does come with a cost.
Always remember, The One Who called you — is Faithful — and He is faithful to complete the work He began in you.
Faith and Trust are the foundation of Victory.
So keep your guard up, beloved warriors.
My Heart is grieved when I see My People get involved and taken in by the opinions of men who do not understand their true identity or they would not speak against your identity.
Be sure to break every tie that draws you to participate in the competition of worldly ‘stardom’,” says The LORD.
The Spirit of Rejection
After my two days with reliving the spirit of rejection, I realized I had let that door open, as I was interceding for the rejection on President Donald J Trump.
I had recently had a very hurtful experience that I was struggling with, and the enemy found that place in me.
So, we must always keep our hearts with all diligence!
We must stop and think about this.
Do not let the spirit of competition come in, and cause you to be trapped with the spirit of rejection. It is feeding the spirit of deception to keep you bound and keep you believing the same lies that the one rejecting you has believed.
You are unique. There is no one like you.
Then I saw this great Truth that someone posted on FaceBook. It is a Truth we must receive — and thank God for every day.
“Your ministry is found where you have been broken.
Your testimony is found where you have been restored.”
“This is not only the time to wipe the slate clean and move up to a higher level, it is time to align together with those who are willing and obedient to march forward and march in step together
as one.
I have robed you with a true excitement and sense of adventure for the end-times — but I leave you with this warning: ‘Remember Lot’s wife.” (Luke 17:32-33).
“Remember Lot’s wife. Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it,” Luke 17:32-33.
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus!
I often remember a story I heard Derek Prince tell one time about the time he and his wife, Lydia and their eight children had to flee their home in Jerusalem in the days before Israel became a nation.
He said it was the first time he had heard the song, “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus!”.
They took refuge in an American Mission and they were singing that song — “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.”
I suddenly realized that The LORD brought it back to me to give me a Vision of this hour, when we truly wipe the slate clean and start anew, make a decision — just like the song! Decide!
No turning back! This is what true obedience is. This is the bottom line of Trust and Obey.
The LORD spoke very clearly as I recalled that song, “Nothing in your life is by accident.
It was not an accident that I chose Derek Prince to lay hands on you to receive The Baptism of The Holy Spirit — and I instructed you to listen and follow his teaching!”
So, beloved ones, Let your heart be filled afresh with Faith, and your eyes full of new Vision as you make the decision to never look back, but step into the New Day with a clean slate as you sing, “I have decided to Follow Jesus, no turning back, no looking back,” living in Faith — with no lack to Finish well.
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
Photo © Pixabay
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Dear Sandi,
Yesterday, as I was driving to work, I could see the Rocky Mountains nearby. The visibility was so clear and I sensed that I had just gotten over a huge mountain in my life. It was just like the slate had been wiped clean as you have said. I even told the LORD at that moment, that what ever mountain I had been struggling with for the past month, (in actuality my whole life!) it had been conquered; it was behind me now. In the past. It was such a uplifting feeling,
Thank you for this word! And thank for your comment on my post Come Meet Me. I understand now completely what you (and the LORD) were saying about not looking back and the spirit of regret. Nothing in our lives is by accident!
Thank you, Sandi. Much love to you dear sister! ❤️
I love your beautiful heart, Gabrielle, that is always open to the hidden truth HE is revealing so needed daily but many times buried because the hurt was so hidden and buried so deeply. HE is a GOOD GOOD Father, a wonderful understanding LORD and a never fail Savior who picks up every piece of our brokenness and uses it for good, as He takes our tests and gives us a testimony that will bring hope to someone else who is being purified and poured out for His glory. Oh how HE loves you and me, your friend, Sandi
I love it Sandi!!
I see us held tight in His Arms, safe and secure as He carries us to and through the Cross…safely to the other side, where we are ushered by His Spirit to exit the cave.
His Truth has set us free indeed!!
God bless your beautiful heart Sandi Holman!!
Dear Cherish, You are so right. I believe HE is carrying us safely to the other side!! We must be ready! God bless your beautiful heart!!1 Sandi
God bless your beautiful heart, dear Cherish. Indeed we are safe and He is carrying to the other side indeed! Thanks so very much. xoxo Sandi