Will You Go Deeper?
I had a picture of a young child in a bucket coming up from a well.
The child had a serene demeanour as water was pouring from his head.
I was later shown him holding what looked like Aaron’s Bud in his right hand. I sensed this bud was from the depths of the well.
I sensed this picture was connected to Romans 4.
As I took this to prayer, I felt an anointing rise up within and heard, “This Is My Promise To You — Faith In My Word
Will you go deeper? Down in the depths? I know you see darkness, where nothing makes sense, a birthing sensation, a cry from deep, going under the waters, emerging as new.”
Those who have and are willing to go deeper in The LORD, are being gifted a bud as Aaron’s Staff.
The LORD has waited and delights in this time like no other to bring a full renewal from all grave clothes.
In this seeking deeper, He is delivering a willing remnant of trauma, unforgiveness, grief, addictions, and all heart sickness.
In a recent meeting, I saw a Cross and a heart at the centre of it.
The LORD said, “X marks the spot!”
We have entered this year to be examined and altered if we are willing. ( Romans 12:2)
A transformation of our hearts lead to a transformed mind. A mind that is free from personal agenda, a mindset needed for what is to come.
Persecution, miracles, wonders and witnessing the manifestation, of the fruit of labours in prayers.
Those who are yielded, are trusted to be priests of authority.
I heard The LORD say, “My Priests of Renown!”
These are the ones who know they are vessels of God. It will be His Glory that will shine through them.
They will be as children, always looking to the Father for approval on every move, and not man.
These are the ones who have climbed into the bucket of the unknown and have allowed The LORD to lower them into the darkness — giving permission for The LORD to examine their hearts at a deeper level.
He again says, “Can you trust Me, My Promise to you?”
Abraham — The Promise Realised Through Faith.
“Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.” The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness — for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.” Romans 4:20-25
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2
Aaron’s Staff by Sefira Lightstone
~ Yvonne Coombs
Yvonne Coombs. Please also see Yvonne’s Prophetic Art here at “Yvonne’s Paintings” on Facebook and on Instagram @y.coombs.art.
Yvonne, the drawing so spoke to me this morning..As I read this, I hear the beautiful chorus, “UP FROM THE GRAVE HE AROSE WITH A MIGHTY TRIUMP O’ER HIS FOES> HE AROSE A VICTOR FROM THE DARK DOMAIN
AND HE LIVES FOREVER WITH HIS SAINTS TO REIGN. HE AROSE, HE AROSE. Nothing can keep HIM DOWN..not persecution, evil darkness..HE is about to RISE UP OVER THE NATIONS WITH A MIGHTY TRIUMP OVER HIS FOES for all the world to taste and see HE IS ALIVE and WELL and stepping in to wash away the evil and release LIVING WATER to the dry parched land of the living. Love, peace and joy, Sandi
Yvonne, this is a deep well subject. I love it my sister as well as the drawing.
God does All things ‘well’!
Hugs and blessings, Joyce