Why You Need to Be Led by the Holy Spirit
In the first 40 years after the death of Jesus, there was little written about the Christian faith.
There was The Old Testament and a few letters and maybe a Gospel but these were available only to a few.
So how were the early Christians guided?
It could only have been by The Holy Spirit so it was very important to be led by Him either directly or by people who could clearly hear Him.
This is why in Acts, you never saw a book or codex referred too (unless it was the Old Testament) as they did not exist so that Acts showed how the early church functioned which is how Jesus taught them to exist.
The Spirit is central to all that happens in Acts so should be central in our life.
So what has happened?
Books started to be readily available and theologians came on the scene and these and there books were consulted and not The Bible. So The Holy Spirit was not consulted.
This was not helped when theologians said The Spirit no longer related personally with Christians.
These same theologians made the modern bibles which are based on two forged codex and one that is ineligible for translation it is so corrupted.
Some say that homosexuality and lesbianism is not in the New Testament. Which is correct.
But they forget it is spoken against in The Law which Jesus said He did not remove, so that it is still current but some parts redundant now because He fulfilled their requirements of people.
So people consult theologians who may not be correct in their view and ignore The Spirit who is trying to lead them into truth.
And so the church is becoming more worldly as it ignores The Holy Spirit and listens to the reasonings of man.
~ Through Neville Salvetti
Neville Salvetti is a deliverance minister and can be contacted via The Web Pages of Neville Salvetti and at: salvettina@bigpond.com if you desire deliverance or to know how to do it.
Neville have been told to preach three things:
♥ Deliverance ♥ How to Hear The Holy Spirit ♥ How to fight Satan
This is the need of the hour as it demonstrates The Kingdom of God, which is what attracts people to Jesus.
Romans 1:27
The premise set forth in this post is so very true! Where the church has strayed from the narrow path is directly related to the squelching of the holy Spirit in the assembly. However, the apparent lack of books that we presume, is directly the result again of men in the church who have worked to squelch the truth & control the church. For those who are serious true seekers of the Way, I share the instruction Jesus gave those of us once who were part of a small prayer group that prayed together to ‘move mountains’ & stop major destruction from prematurely unfolding in this nation. The Lord Jesus asked us to go buy the book called Pistis Sophia, & for each of us to read it. It is all about Him & what He said to the early disciples after His resurrection. I ran into another true believer recently from northern Arkansas, who confirmed this to me when the Lord told her about this book, including the many books known as the ‘gnostic writings’- that “these books are for the few, & the bible is for the many.” If you are truly a seeking believer led by the holy Spirit, then there are yet many awesome & amazing works yet to be discovered & assimilated. Cheers. rick
Amen. So true.