Why You Can No Longer Walk With God!
In Old Testament times God’s people walked with Him.
He visited Abraham, met Moses on the mountain, stood by Joshua, came upon Samson, spoke through the prophets and in many other ways He made Himself known to His people.
The New and Living Way (Hebrews 10:20) opened for us by Jesus, no longer affords for us to “walk with God”.
He now walks IN US!
It is in our surrender that we are found to be led in harmony with Him and His will. We no longer follow Him – we are being led by Him, living on the inside of us as we choose to yield ourselves for His Spirit to possess and influence every aspect of our being, with His Being.
Saturated with His Living Presence and being a living part of Him, we no longer worship from afar, neither do we offer up worship in an external, separated way of seeking to come into His Presence, but looking into His Presence within, into the inner-temple courts of our spirit – into that “Most Holy Place” – we discover nuances of His Being previously unseen, capture fresh glimpses of His Beauty previously not unveiled, and grow into becoming as our Father IS, by His Spirit being mirrored in us!
This leads us to worship, pray and live, Face to face, in the adoration of His Beauty, as we allow the Holy Spirit within us to bring full expression of His Character, Nature and Personality – leading us to a deep longing inner-desire to worship Him, to have inner fellowship in Him, and most of all, to walk in inner-obedience to Him!
It is the Living, present, Presence of Christ in you, that affords the Father to have glory from your life!
~ Johann van der Hoven
Johann van der Hoven is in South Africa. He has been serving the Lord in ministry since 1991 and has hosted numerous apostolic revival meetings in South Africa and in South America. He also currently pioneers a organic church planting movement across South Africa. For more information about him and his ministry visit www.sonsofsovereignty.com or Revival.