His Love and Mercy Are in All He Does for You!
The Lord says: “God Loves you and accepts you as you are.”
He works with where you are at, and He develops you to prepare you for a relationship with Him now and for life with Him in heaven forever.
It is not for His benefit. It is for yours.
This is why God has given you life, sustains you and has given you the ability to accept or reject Him.
His Love and Mercy are in all He does for you otherwise every time we sinned (rebelled against Him) we would go straight to prison (hell).
You must believe He is Pure Love and that all you do for Him will be rewarded for you in heaven. That it will be worth all the effort and sacrifice you did to follow Him.
Do you remember My Love and the Redemption I obtained for you at Calvary?
My Love that gave up everything in a universe and come to earth to be killed by those I was showing Love too so that they could once again be restored to a relationship with each member of The Trinity.
What do you focus on when you have communion.
Remember I AM there waiting to fellowship with you!
All He asks is for you to love Him back and do His Will for you for the benefit of:
His Kingdom.
The people in it.
You need to believe in:
Who He is.
What He has done.
That His promises made to you will occur.
It will be worth the cost of following Him.
You need to do His work:
Demonstrating and teaching what God has done to free people from Satan’s kingdom so they can relate to Him on a continual basis.
What God is doing for them now.
What He will do for them after they die (take them to heaven with all the joyful things He has prepared for them instead of hell).
Miracles, signs and wonders are necessary to show the Kingdom of God is greater than Satan’s kingdom and that Jesus is real and LORD of all and that He is in charge of all things including earth. So you need to know how to do these and by this demonstrate that The Kingdom has come.
Spiritual Warfare:
Yo need to know what it is, what it hinders or stops you from doing it and how to carry it out.
You need to know deliverance — which is the freeing of people and things from the control of Satan the way Jesus desires it done which is not how it is currently done by people and churches
You need to know how Satan attacks (tempts you) and how to stop these attacks.
You need to know how to protect others and objects against the attacks of Satan.
Encouraging others. You are to encourage others to:
Continue in their trials.
Continue in their warfare.
To pursue holiness and live good Christian lives.
To study to know what is in The Bible so they can apply it and grow in faith and Christian maturity.
Live a Good Christian witness by your life:
To witness to the Lordship of Jesus by our obedience to His Principles for living as you also bring Him Honour and Glory by your obedience of Him.
To show how superior the Christian life is to the life Satan desires you to live.
To show you are really a follower of Jesus.
To show His quality of love in you to all those around.
By using the gifts and delegated authority He has given you over Satan in a correct manner.
You need to develop:
The Lordship relationship you have with Him based on mutual love for each other.
Holiness which is the removing and rejecting of everything Satan and his world system offers you.
Stewardship: God is Lord of all and gives you things to look after for Him. You are not an owner but only a steward you have been given to do with them as He directs you to do.
Understand his requirements of you and that you are His servant who voluntarily serves Him out of love. Any other reason to serve Him is incorrect.
His character in you which you mature in as you obey Him.
You need to understand how Satan, his enemy, attacks you trying to stop you serving Jesus and drawing us into his kingdom of hell as well as how to correctly deal with these attacks.
You only sin if you listen to what Satan suggests you do.
You need to know what God requires of you as you well as how to hear The Holy Spirit correctly so He can guide you to live as God requires you too
You need to study the Bible and how to deal with any extra biblical revelation.
If you do not know or understand anything God will send people to mentor you or give you understanding of these things if you really desire to learn about them and do them. He will also give you the experiences to put into practice what you have just learnt for the purposes of The Kingdom and as part of the preparation He gives you for living in heaven.
Salvation is a relationship and you need to know how to maintain our side of the relationship and how to develop this relationship further.
Remember that I placed you in a relationship with Me.
How do you treat Me?
As a friend or a distant relative?
How do friends relate?
They talk to each other.
They help and serve each other.
They love to spend time with each other and talk to each other.
So how do you relate to Me?
Do not be afraid of martyrdom as you seek to sustain the relationship you have with Me.
Remember that it is only those that endure to the end, regardless of the cost to them that go to heaven.
I will sustain you in your trials and great will be your reward.
I will use your witness greatly to declare Me and My Kingdom and show that it is real.
Remember that when you die you receive everything you lived for.
Because of Calvary, each day is a new start so in a sense today is the first day of the rest of your life and a chance to start again.
You still have to deal with the results of any previous actions but the spiritual consequences any sin have been already dealt at Calvary and you are in a correct relationship with God (through proper repentance) so that He can help you cope with any physical consequences that need to be dealt with.
Updated October 11, 2018
~ Through Neville Salvetti
Neville Salvetti is a deliverance minister and can be contacted via The Web Pages of Neville Salvetti and at: salvettina@bigpond.com if you desire deliverance or to know how to do it.
Neville have been told to preach three things:
♥ Deliverance ♥ How to Hear The Holy Spirit ♥ How to fight Satan
This is the need of the hour as it demonstrates The Kingdom of God, which is what attracts people to Jesus.