Why Pray? Lesson #3
A teaching on Prayer.
This lesson is involved with INTERCESSION. Intercession is coming before God and placing all in front of your own life and seeking God for someone else or something else. It is like Moses who went and INTERCEEDED FOR ISRAEL on the Mountain and he told God… DESTROY ME LORD… BUT DO NOT HARM THEM… Let me take their punishment. He convienced God to not destroy Israel by his INTERCESSION. He was willing to take their punishment for them, IF THEY WOULD BE SPARED.
Paul said, I would wish myself to be accursed if it meant that my beloved Israel would be saved. He was willing to take their sin of unbelief, to set them free.
When one comes to God in this way and with this heart felt desire for whoever thy pray… or for what ever they are praying… then God is moved and he will speak.
When He speaks … and that is when you find a…. point of faith.
The fact is THE WORD OF GOD IS THE POINT OF FAITH. This is why if and when you find a PROMISE IN THE WORD OF GOD that does speak to that for which you are praying… and believing for… then you find a point of faith to walk on and to believe. It is this POINT OF FAITH that will HOLD GOD TO THE ANSWER.
The Late Reese Howells, a Welch coal miner who became a Holy Spirit Filled INTERCESSOR, said when someone asked him to pray He would go walk before God and ask the Lord, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO LORD CONCERNING…. ____________________. He would ask and wait, believing God had the answer and would give him his desire or plan for that person. WHEN GOD SPOKE TO REESE… THEN REESE SAID HE WAS HELD TO THAT …. POINT OF FAITH, and He must WALK IT… AND HAVE BELIEVING FAITH and God would do it. He would do exactly as the Lord told him to do. Such as once he prayed for a certain lady who was very ill with a terminal sickness. He heard the Lord say… I will heal her on a certain day of a certain month. (I believe it was like about 25 days in the future…). Go tell her I will heal her on that day. Wel,l when Reese told the lady, immediately she begin to get worse. She got so bad that everyone thought she would surely die, but Reese did KEEP WALKING HIS POINT OF FAITH. He cautioned her over and over again… HOLD TO YOUR FAITH AND BELIEVE… HE WILL HEAL YOU ON … THIS DAY. Sure enough, the morning of that paticular day, she rose up from her bed completely healed of her sickness.
Faith is the substance of things Hoped for. It makes sence to seek from God a POINT OF FAITH. When you do receive it, that is your Hope upon which you base your Faith. YOU CAN TAKE GOD AT HIS WORD.
The Word of God says in 1 John 5:14 that one must pray ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF GOD. In order for us to know the WILL OF GOD, we must believe the WORD OF GOD. The Bible is full of promises to believe. We do not have to wonder what God’s Will is… IF THE WORD TELLS US HIS WILL CONCERNING A CERTAIN MATTER. For instance, IS IT GOD’S WILL TO HEAL THE SICK? The answer is a postive Yes. If you study all that Jesus did and said about Healing you will come to the sound conclusion that HEALING THE SICK IS THE WILL OF GOD. I will not at this time set out to explain why, but only ask you to believe this and know that the Scripture does teach that God wants the sick Well. So, when we pray believeing and KNOWING GODS WILL FOR THE SICK… is that not a POINT OF FAITH??? Of course it is. And when you ask and INTERCEED FOR A SICK PERSON… believing it is the will of God, many times… God will go even further and speak his mind to you concerning (like Reese taught), what He would exactly do for that sick person? Yes. God will give you a word, and that word must be held and walked out in Faith, not wavering but believing with a strong resolve to the POINT OF FAITH.
It is also in intercession that one can find the MIND OF GOD concerning his Will for certain things. It is in this MIND, that Jesus Moved and Worked. For He KNEW HIS FATHERS MIND. Thus the Scriptures tell us to, LET THIS MIND BE IN YOU WHICH WAS IN CHRIST JESUS. We are to have such an abiding relationship with the Lord that He will share his Mind (give undrstanding of His person and will for all things) and than WALK IN AGREEMENT WITH HIS MIND, OR WILL. HOLDING A POINT OF FAITH. Faith is the ONLY WAY TO PLEASE GOD… and what ever is not of Faith is SIN.
1 JOHN 5:14-15
“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask ANYTHING ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, he heareth us; 15. And if we KNOW HE HEARETH US… we KNOW that we HAVE THE PETITIONS that we desired of Him.”
Let us move for a POINT OF FAITH… then let us WALK IT… AND BELIEVE IN FAITH.
Evangelist/Prophet/Pastor Ken Dewey is the founder of “OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES” in Belen, New Mexico, USA. He writes on this Web Site, many Prophetic words, Sermons and teachings while leading people into true church settings and preaching in an End Time Gospel Ministry.
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