Who ARE You?
God never chooses to work through extravagant men or women!
Follow the line of those whom He has chosen and you will find SIMPLICITY being the key ingredient in the recipe of their lives.
In fact, it was when those whom He chose as being SIMPLE men and women chose to become GREAT and accepted the honor which Satan stirred in the hearts of carnal men and women to bestow upon them – that they lost that unique TOUCH that only God can put upon a human soul.
It was the SIMPLICITY of David’s worshipping heart that caused God to fall in love with him.
It was also the pride in “king” David’s heart in counting the strength of his army that caused him to be dismissed by God, no longer relying upon Him as being the Strength of Israel, but rather depending upon the ‘power’ of his army.
It was the SIMPLE Samson, who would pick up the jaw bone of an ass and destroy the pride of men. It was also the UNTOUCHABLE Samson, who drowned in his self-will and ended up being bound by the ropes of his pride.
We go on and on exploring all the many examples we find recorded in the Scriptures.
The principle always remains the same – If God called you as a John the Baptist, live in your camel coat, eat your locusts and honey, and do not care one whit what the world may think about you – be AUTHENTIC to the bone!
Because it is in our SIMPLICITY and humility in Christ that God chooses to express Himself.
It is in a world seeking after ‘great men’ and ‘honor’ that He has chosen to use us to humble the wise and shame those who consider themselves as being “something”.
Rather be SIMPLE and have God’s Power rest upon you, than being a performing circus monkey, dancing to the tune of what makes men cheer.
In principle, this is exactly what Paul tells us about himself and the Christ-life principle he hopes to convey to us –
“I will rather be SIMPLE and ORDINARY so that I may truly know Christ and that His Power may be EXTRAORDINARILY at work in me and through me,” Philippians 3:8.
God is still looking for the little sling-shot slayers, the stammering tongues, the poor fishermen, the prostitutes saved by His Grace, and the unworthy beggars who will become His mighty evangelists. He still finds them and calls them in order to “confound the wise,” (1 Corinthians 1:27)
Authenticity is worth more than the price of gold – never sell it or swap it for what may look shiny and ‘worth so much more’ – it is priceless!
Hold on tightly to what has been given to you from above!
Read Matthew 23 in “The Message” Bible, and discover God’s primary principle!
~ Johann van der Hoven
Johann van der Hoven is in South Africa. He has been serving the Lord in ministry since 1991 and has hosted numerous apostolic revival meetings in South Africa and in South America. He also currently pioneers a organic church planting movement across South Africa. For more information about him and his ministry visit www.sonsofsovereignty.com or Revival.
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