HomeProphecyWhich Words Are True? Which Ones Are Not?


Which Words Are True? Which Ones Are Not? — 4 Comments

  1. Amen….as we are all warned at the end of days many false voices will arise amd deceive even the high and elect… We are in the end of days so indeed many have mainly said Trump and a few Clinton and a couple have said suspended election or oboma to remain in office so most base’s covered… Once the outcome is known those who gave a False prophecy need to repent and Clean there own house and nit to mask over it and spend a season out of giving out any more words…. This is a Serious Time in History so we need to clarity from the True prophetic Voice of Heaven so we can pray in Unity and One accord and Truly see and Hear Thy Kingdom Come And HIS Will being Done on Earth as it is in Heaven… AMEN. God’s word says He does Nothing without Revealing to the Prophets first…. Lord Shine your Light through the True prophetic Voice for such a Time as This Amen.. And Amen…

  2. Amen sir! However we vote or don’t vote tomorrow, let us have no hatred or malice in our heart towards anyone. Trust in the Lord and let His glory shine, not humanity’s.

    • I’ve wondered if this means his policies will continue because of his successor; or if there will be chaos before the inauguration and “changing of the guard” would not be in the best interest of the country. Intercede for this country in general and for the American church to become the light we are called to be.

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