When you Sin, do you feel rotten?
When you Sin, do you feel rotten?
If you answer YES, to that question, then you are born again! No, I am never pleased that you sinned, “because If you say that you have fellowship with Me, and continue to walk in darkness, you are lying, and do not have the truth: [7] But if you walk in the light, as I am in the light, you will have fellowship one with another, and My blood will keep cleansing you from all your sin. [8] However if you say that you have no sin, you are deceiving yourself, and the truth is not in you. [9] Now this is why it is good that you feel rotten when you sin: It causes you to confess and if you confess your sins, I am always faithful and just to forgive your sins, and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. [10] If you say that you have not sinned, you make Me out to be a liar, and My word is not in you, and this is a sure sign that you are not born again” 1 John 1:6-10.
Sin does not make an unbeliever feel rotten, because his nature is naturally rotten, “even his righteousnesses are as filthy rags” Isaiah 64:6. Unbelievers have no plumb line to compare too, so as an unsaved person, they can only do what is right in their own eyes. But when you are born again, My Holy Spirit becomes the plumb line and when you cross the plumb line to the right or left, He makes you feel rotten in order to realign you.
Another word for, feel rotten, would be spiritually spanked or chastened. “Do not forget the exhortation which speaks to you like a kid; My son, do not despise the spankings and rotten feelings from the Lord, and don’t faint when He rebukes you: [6] For whom I love I chasten, and spank every son that I save. [7] If you endure feeling rotten, it’s because I am only dealing with you as with sons; for what kind of son is he whom the father does not spank? [8] If you are disobedient and never receive a spanking, then you are bastards, and not sons.
[11] Now I don’t expect you to jump for joy when you are feeling rotten because, no chastening for the present seems to be joyous, but grievous and painful: nevertheless in the end, it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to you who repent. [12] So now as soon as you repent, get your chin up, lift up your hands that hang down, and strengthen those feeble knees; [13] As you line up with the plumb line, you will make straight paths for your feet, so that the weak area can be healed and you won’t turn that way anymore.” Hebrews 12:5-8,11-13.
I wish you didn’t sin, but I’m glad when you feel rotten, because it means and the kingdom purification system is working in My children!
~ Jim Hammerle
Jim Hammerle (1941-2017) began ministry working with David Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz, founding Teen Challenge Philadelphia. 6 times in the mission field pastoring a mission ship, 15 years with tv and radio, teaching, and preaching. As a retired businessman, Jim helped to feed widows and orphans in Uganda, helping Muslims find the Jesus who fed them. He became His banker and was privileged to give His money away, wherever He decided, so he also helping to build an orphanage in Haiti and investing in lives in the USA. Totally in love with his Lord, at age 73 he served in ministry at Victory Christian Church and lived every hour listening for his Heavenly Father’s voice. Jim passed away on May 23, 2017 to be with the LORD. |
But God, who encourages those who are discouraged, encouraged us by the arrival of Titus. His presence was a joy, but so was the news he brought of the encouragement he received from you. When he told us how much you long to see me, and how sorry you are for what happened, and how loyal you are to me, I was filled with joy! I am not sorry that I sent that severe letter to you, though I was sorry at first, for I know it was painful to you for a little while. Now I am glad I sent it, not because it hurt you, but because the pain caused you to repent and change your ways. It was the kind of sorrow God wants his people to have, so you were not harmed by us in any way. For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death. Just see what this godly sorrow produced in you! Such earnestness, such concern to clear yourselves, such indignation, such alarm, such longing to see me, such zeal, and such a readiness to punish wrong. You showed that you have done everything necessary to make things right. My purpose, then, was not to write about who did the wrong or who was wronged. I wrote to you so that in the sight of God you could see for yourselves how loyal you are to us. We have been greatly encouraged by this. In addition to our own encouragement, we were especially delighted to see how happy Titus was about the way all of you welcomed him and set his mind at ease. I had told him how proud I was of you—and you didn’t disappoint me. I have always told you the truth, and now my boasting to Titus has also proved true! Now he cares for you more than ever when he remembers the way all of you obeyed him and welcomed him with such fear and deep respect. I am very happy now because I have complete confidence in you. (2 Corinthians 7:6-16 NLT)