When the Shift hits His Plan!
There is a shifting going on in the atmosphere! There is a divine transfer of powers and authority. There is a changing of the guards, and all of this is going on for you in the name of Jesus.
Hold on tight man/woman of God, I know it’s uncomfortable, but God is moving you into your ‘greater’.
Let God shake those things, that He may remain (Hebrews 12:27-29).
Remember, you asked to be restored, in order to do this, God needs to shake up what keeps you bound. God needs to disrupt and disturb the oppressors in the spirit and in the natural.
Man/woman of God, fear not. God is in your midst and will not let you be harmed in any way as He does what He needs to do on your behalf. That uncomfortable feeling you have right now is the effects of war going on in your atmosphere.
Stand, stand, stand man/woman of God. The battle is The Lord’s. All things work together for good for them who love The Lord, who have been called according to His purpose.
Transitioning is happening in your favor. You are moving to a brand new land of The Lord’ own doing. “Greater! So much greater in Me that you could not fathom!” says the Holy Ghost.
By the grace of God,
– Apostle Jennifer Hobbs
Apostle Jennifer Hobbs of Whole Armour of God Ministries International, brings healing and deliverance through the guidance of the Holy Ghost while building congregations in accordance to Matthew 16:16-18. They specialize in deliverance and demonology; with understandings of the principles and principalities that rule this world (Ephesians 6:10-20) and how to best defeat them, in Jesus’ name. They have been blessed to be operating under Apostolic and Prophetic anointing, with signs and wonders following (Mark 16:17). The ultimate goal is lifting up the name of Jesus and proclaiming the Gospel accordingly (Ezekiel 2, 2 Corinthians 12:12). |
Thank you for that word. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2012 and it was healed. It came back in 2015 in the abdomen and I am going through more chemo treatments. I work from home and have been going through not only physical battles but battles with my place of freelance employment. I stood my ground through the Holy Spirit this year with my agent and asked the Lord for a visible signs of favor in work and health. Thank you for that word today:)