HomeChristian LivingWhen The Brook Dries Up


When The Brook Dries Up — 2 Comments

  1. Dear Sherry,

    Your title of this message jumped out at me because I felt the Lord tell me the same thing several months ago.  I don’t know if this helps, but I thought I would mention it:

    Your destiny is like the mantle of Elijah. It is weighty. It covers and protects you. It is your weapon before the enemy. It will cause the waters to part like it did for Elijah.
    Elijah came out of nowhere and suddenly appeared on the scene.  He had few belongings. I trained him through his years in the wilderness.  I provided all he needed.  When the provision dried up, it was time to move. So shall it be with you. You will know. Don’t give up.

    That’s what I received.  I pray Holy Spirit speaks powerfully to you and brings clarity for the steps ahead of you, just when He wants you to know.  In the meantime, trust His plan.  Trust His mantle (calling) upon you and you will not fail.

  2. Gott macht keine halben Sachen. Er kennt jeden Schritt und hat alles Nötige schon geplant. Gottes Wege sind wunderbar.

    [ HKP : “God does not do things by halves. He knows every step and has already planned everything necessary. God’s ways are wonderful.” ]

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