What Sort of Fruit Do You Produce?
Fruit, what sort of fruit do you produce?
Jesus said, you can know them by their fruit. Know what? Them, and what kind of person they are?
It is a known fact that each kind of tree produces a certain kind of fruit. The fruit that He was now referencing, was to be understood by what kind tree it was growing on.
When I was a young man there was a crab apple tree [? I think it was but not sure] in the field behind our house. I think back then they called the fruit horse apples. They were large with a heavy peeling that was very rough texture.
It was very hard and very bad tasting if you could peel it and actually had the guts to take a bite! It was widely known that the fruit was unfit for humans to eat.
So what good was that horse apple tree? None I could find, except perhaps it give some shade on a hot day, or a place for birds to come and roost at night.
As far as I know nothing or nobody ever picked its fruit and none ate it, used it for anything! It was a worthless tree.
Some ten years ago, I was holding a Tent Meeting in the Jemez Valley, New Mexico. The town was San Ysidro, NM, and was about 11 miles from the local Indian Pueblo.
There was a Pueblo Indian woman who was very well liked and quite outspoken who attended the meetings. In one meeting I had come down [there was a small crowd] to the front and begin to teach from the Bible, much like as if I were holding a Bible study.
I asked the people to turn in their Bibles to the Book of John. I noticed the Pueblo woman begin trying to find it in her hard backed Bible we had given her [because she had no Bible]. She was searching for the Gospel of John in the Old Testament.
I then gave added instruction by saying: “John is in the New Testament, you know….. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and then John!” “Oh,” she said, and continued to search through out the entire book.
Finally, I saw she would need help finding the place [it was important, because I wanted her to read the scripture text herself to learn]. Walking to her, I showed her the location of the book and she thanked me.
I did not think anything about it at that time [having seen this sort of lack of Bible knowledge before], until I asked her the personal questions: when did you become a believer or Christian? When were you saved?
To these questions she happily and assuredly said: “Oh, I have been a Christian now for 16 years.” Smiling, she went on to say it with confidence.
I thought to myself at that moment: “Why then is she totally ignorant of the bible?”
She did not know the first and most fundamental fact about the location of the Book of John? How is it that a person can believe in Jesus and be saved [for a long time of 16 years] and not even know that there is a Book of John or the difference between the Old Testament and the New?
This question was answered when I further came to know [over some months of working with her, and other of her people, in the Pueblo].
I soon found that for the past 16 years, there had been no real change in her lifestyle, because she and her husband [who also professed Christ] had never left the native american religion and had continued for all those years to go to all the feast days [the worship of false spirits or native American belief in a spirit world].
They did not go to any Church. Not only had they continued to attend the native ways, they did not see anything wrong with their beliefs!
Well, what is going on here? Why no growth in the things of God if she is a believer and a Christian?
Of course the answer comes ringing out of heaven, “Because she does not know Me and is not one of Mine……..Yet!”
So many people I have met are like this woman. They have never grown up and still do not understand, even after many years!
It is nothing less then lack of real fruit. If there is no real fruit then the tree is not what they say it is!
It is a horse apple tree of no value. No, not that they are unimportant, but, they are not children of God and born-again Christians.
They are only natural trees and do not bear the life changing spiritual work of the Holy Spirit within their lives. Like for instance, the Fruit of the Spirit!
Not long ago I was called to help a woman whom I had met some years ago, who was back then a preachers wife. She was now divorced and remarried to another man and in that relationship, was in serious trouble.
She told me she feared for her life! I heard the LORD say, “Go get her,” so we went in the car at 3:00 a.m. in the morning and delivered the woman out of the bondage of that bad relationship [while her new husband slept].
Bringing her home, we discussed the terrible situation she had found herself in, that had forced her to cry out for help.
As I drove along the road, I realized from listening to her talk that she thought her circumstances were not her fault, and she began to blame everyone, including her past husband who had been a minister and pastor [they were married over 20 years!].
After working with her and listening to her, I came to know she thought she had never done anything wrong and that it is okay to smoke, drank alcohol, and dress very immodestly [which she continued to do in our presence].
In the weeks following our initial help, she did begin to go out and even talk to people about the LORD and act religiously, and had some sort of concern for people. Yet what I couldn’t explain was, why after being a Christian pastors wife for over 20 years, did she not understand moral issues?
She had no desire at all to stop smoking and drinking [matter of fact, she told me the LORD told her….. It was okay and not hurting her, but helping her to do those things!].
I received this bit of insight into her as most alarming, seeing that I myself had been convicted and delivered from those things some years back and I knew of a fact how God thinks about them to be sin.
When I told her she must change those things she got mad. Left the house and was not a happy camper. I became to her, a huge problem.
As time went on, she became very unhappy with living around us and wanted to leave. She did leave and went back to the very man she claimed first to be abusive to her. Now, she is calling me bad names, just because I would not accept her fruit.
So what is going on I asked myself? Again Jesus answers the question: “She is not one of mine and it is clearly seen in the fruit of her life!”
Please read my Personal Testimony:
I must add this. In early 1999 [before I was driven to the desert and had my God encounter which changed my life forever], I had left off preaching [after 32 years as pastor of churches] for some 10 previous years.
I was not living like a Christian should live, and was in a state of back-sliding. I had run away like Jonah and was in on a boat going the other direction. In that state of affairs, God sent a man to me who witnessed to me.
He said, “Ken, you are not saved!
I said to him, “I sure am!”
“No,” he said, “you have no fruit!”
That drove me to the deepest place of prayer. By the week of Easter 1999 I was totally to the bottom of my life. I had nowhere to go but back to Jesus.
I went back and repented. I found the LORD waiting. Waiting for me to come to Him.
He said to me, “Ken, why have you done this to Me? Don’t you know I love you and I have been here all this time just waiting for you to come back?”
He picked me up that day [Resurrection Day 1999] and loved on me for 5 days in the desert. He told me how I was His, and He would not let me go. How He had planned it, even did things in the Desert Place [arranged all the events and places] just to bring me back.
Now I want to tell you, He was mine and I was His, and He would not let me go. There is something that needs to be said about that: If a person is truly one of Christ….. he cannot go back and stay back.
He will not be able, because the LORD is inside and has predetermined that those who are saved, will be conformed into the very image of Jesus Christ.
God will not leave us, and will change us. But understand, that changing comes through perhaps the belly of a whale, being vomited out onto dry land, to run again.
But never will God allow His people to live forever in sin.
This is a very concerning message, because so many who profess openly, and even go through all the trouble to try and live and serve the LORD, are just plain and simple short of real fruit, that kind of fruit that speaks of a heavenly bond with a holy God.
The real alarm is that many today are saying they can be a Christian or even a born-again Spirit filled Christian, and yet remain in the fallen sinful nature without conviction.
It is most alarming indeed, when we study the scriptures that tell us: ‘men become new creatures in Christ, old things are passed away, all things are made new.’
How is it then, that one can be in Christ, and never changed?
Of course, the only answer is that the devil is the one behind this deception. He does blind men into thinking they are saved. He knows if he can convince them that they are saved and safe, he can control them away from true conversion.
As long as a person does not know he is lost and without God, he does not seek!
So the devil blinds their minds and creates in them, religion. Religion is a set of rules that really never changes men, but only leads them on a journey of so called ‘religious works.’
The fact is, men who are religious, are not saved.
One does not get saved by being religious, but is saved only through Jesus Christ.
Even Jesus taught that repentance is necessary for salvation. He said: “Except you repent you will perish!” Luke 13:3.
But modern religion [which is really not modern at all, but a carry over from the past deception of the devil] is telling men it is okay with god to sin.
In most places called Church today, there is really no stand taken against living in sin. Men are made welcome, only upon a profession.
I want to point out to you the contrary: Men are saved by grace and created unto righteousness, which was before determined that they would walk in righteousness.
Read Ephesians 2:10…..
“For we are God’s [own] handiwork (his workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which he prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which he prearranged and made ready for us to live].” (AMP).
In other words: God himself created us [in Christ] to do good works. It was predetermined by Him that we would walk in a heavenly pathway.
That all born again people will have eternal heavenly fruit in them which can be clearly seen by all who are truly saved.
It is time that we understand and take serious, the fact that we cannot accept any and all who say they are Christians and heavenly. We cannot condone the sin which they continue to walk in, making excuse that is is okay with God.
It is not okay with God. God never intended that His people who are really born-again and saved, to live any longer in sin.
We are to bear in our bodies the dying of the LORD Jesus, take up our own cross and die to self. We are to be like Jesus, and walk as He walked, and live with the same desires He lived.
We are to be changed and old things passed away. We are to be living unto holiness. Because He is Holy. We are to be holy like Him.
Be fruit examiners and try them. See them for what and who they are, then pray for them and seek to help them know…..
Jesus died to save them from their lives of sin.
~ Desert Prophet Ken Dewey
The light will shine in His glory… In the desert.
Evangelist/ Prophet/ Pastor Ken Dewey is the founder of “OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES“ in Belen, New Mexico, USA. He writes on this Web Site, many Prophetic words, Sermons and teachings while leading people into true church settings and preaching in an End Time Gospel Ministry.
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Brother Ken
Hi from Canada!
Most Excellent message.!!! Thankyou.
I encounter this problem too in Christian. Circles
Im His child and have never been 1 momment comfortable living in sin(s). I so want to produce his fruit.
Of the Holy the spirit.
God Bless you.
Love in Christ
Brother this was a real informative and thought provoking message (esp your testimony). It also gives great assurance to “those who are His”.