HomeProphecyWhat I Heard About a Desperate Revival Coming in North Carolina!


What I Heard About a Desperate Revival Coming in North Carolina! — 3 Comments

  1. True revival often started with one desperate praying and crying saint. When in churches, in big or small congregations, the service as usual is over and men and women come to sight, with their bleeding hearts, even bleeding bodies, for all to see, when no music with light show and loud drums beat the atmosphere down, when no more show, no theater is being played, then true repentence and revival rekindles. Let us CHRISTMAS celebrate with being CHRIST-like. Invite those to your filled homes, who rush out of church door with low heads. Go and feed them, dress them, ask what they need, and START THE REVIVAL IN YOUR HOUSES. And yes, sure, I did so and with GOD’s help I will continue sharing the treasures I have from Him, may it be His Word or food, clothings and money. COME, LORD JESUS, COME ! MARANATHA !

  2. YES…happening now and starting to spread from the desperate needs being filled by GOD sending help from many areas! Sandi Holman

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