HomeBiblical TeachingWhat Do YOU Hope for?


What Do YOU Hope for? — 2 Comments

  1. Hi Mark G.
    As long as your still breathing air, there is still hope for you.
    Praying for God’s Mercy.

  2. Thank you prophet Ken for this clarity. God bless you real good. I will like to ADD that FAITH & HOPE are 2 determinat factors every believer should always ask God for because they are very essential elements to obtaining whatever we need from our loving Father (God) & our Redeemer & Savior Jesus Christ. Based on the above facts, Satan deploy all evil devices at his disposal to attack these two essential elements & make God’s children to live in bondage & slavery(such as sickness, debts, pains, fear, murmuring, suicidal thoughts, believing in lies that God does not exist e.t.c). Satan then gradually win these category of people to himself for eternity if care is not taken. May God shine his face on us & give us the Grace to Faith more & Hope in HIM who is the GIVER & SOURCE of all we have & Hope for.