HomeBiblical Teaching“Wear My Joy, My Child!”


“Wear My Joy, My Child!” — 3 Comments

  1. Thank you, Jahfas for speaking to me so many times through your encounters with the LORD. blessings …
    Just as Satan tempted Eve by twisting God’s word; So is today’s many sects, they even change the word of the Bible to fit their own belief, such as Jehovah witness or Mormon church- curse be on them whoever did it!
    I do not know what Bible you have, but my Bible said in Gal4:4:”But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, BORN of a woman, BORN under law,” When you gave birth to a son or a daughter, you DID NOT create them, and they are as same KIND as you are; Just like fish birth fish, dog birth dog and God the Father begotten God the Son. Jesus is the Son of God and Son of Mary. But when you change BORN to MADE, it change the whole meaning( maybe it’s time to get another Bible?) as days goes by so quick, we do not have much time to waste; let’s encourage each other to seek out his face and spend more time in the word, thus we can stand on the truth and never be moved even in the storm that coming to the whole world . Amen !

  2. Thank you so much for your continued teachings Pastor Jahfas. What a blessing they are as well your sharing what you hear the Lord say. What does it mean when the Lord says ” I have separated your days unto myself and made them holy..” Does He speak here of sanctification? I hope you will be able to answer. Thank you very much.

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