HomeProphecyWe Need A Serious Call Back to Prayer in Our Churches and Land!


We Need A Serious Call Back to Prayer in Our Churches and Land! — 4 Comments

  1. My sweet sister Joyce, As I read line upon line, all I heard was Holy holy holy, Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come. May the church wake up, my those who are His people fall down on their knees and pray, may we bow our hearts and our knees to HIM alone and give up all the idolatry beginning with leaders building their own kingdoms. Come Quickly Lord Jesus! Love you my friend, Sandi

    • SO very true, Sandi. When we are crying Holy, Holy, Holy that is from the very depths of our hearts! Yes to may the church wake up! We need lay down our idols.  Thank you my beloved friend and sister for coming by anf the affirmation. Love, prayers & hugs. ❤️

    • And God Almighty will most assuredly use you, Chris because you are a willing vessel. God bless you.