HomeProphecyWe Must Apply the Precious Blood of Jesus!


We Must Apply the Precious Blood of Jesus! — 7 Comments

  1. Precious Lord, I join our sister in prayer for USA, CANADA and all the Nations for today n for ever. I plead the Blood of Jesus over their homes, offices,schools n colleges. We pray ISAIAH 61 for them and their lives and the Nations.
    God be with us all, AMEN.

    • Thank you, Mona; Elizabeth; Wong; Ron; Sandi & Patricia. ❤️
      Oh you precious people all on this thread together with me.. Blessings to you all…
      What a day this had been and I believe much evil has been thwarted by us getting in a ‘secret hiding place’ with the Lord.
      We can rejoice together at the victories won through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Just the other day when the battle was so strong, the Lord simply spoke to me, ‘Persevere.’ We have some endurance in this race to do, but Ohhh the sweet victories. We will make it to the other side, fighting from a place of Victory. Our weapons are not carnal..but mighty in the pulling down of strongholds. Got to stop here somewhere… :) God bless you all

  2. Greetings dear Joyce:

    I’m grinning to myself here – seeing as many are posting what we are hearing today in our hearts: “Stay in peace – just stay in my presence here w/ me”.

    I am doing the same today Joyce – staying in with Jesus. It’s morning, here on the East Coast, where I live – and I sense today is a kind of tent-of-meeting day, here in my home.

    I plan to ‘Sit at the ramparts, and see what HE will say to me’.

    When I woke up today – I heard only one Word “UPGRADE”. Selah.

  3. My sister Joyce, I have no plans to go out tomorrow and I am planning to take my little dog out either. (Everyone is laughing about that). SO, thank you for this very sobering reminder. I am not afraid but I do want to take caution and stay inside. Love you, Sandi

  4. Dear Joyce,
    I felt like this was a page from my journal about staying in and being quiet with the Lord. In my heart I just want to sit and pray. We are in a place of totality an hour from our capital. The Lord is speaking and I want to be reverent and listening. Yesterday I read the book of
    Jonah. I got a different view than when I taught it to children about 40 years ago. I am glad to see someone else feels the same way.Blessings dear Joyce ❤️

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