We Have A True Husband!
Do you write when you have no idea what The LORD wants you to write?
You may be hearing Him say to you “I want you to write,” yet in your own mind nothing seems to be ready or available to you.
But obedience does not depend on how ready you are. Obedience depends upon your willingness to yield to a loving God Who has afforded to you the right to be called a son of God, because a time came when you needed to call upon his Name, and He answered you and delivered you from all of your destruction.
You called upon Him and He saved you to the uttermost.
Now you are engaged to the Risen Messiah, the majestic King.that is also called the Lion of Judah. You are now enthralled by the Voice of The Holy Spirit that The LORD of Heaven and earth, the LORD of Glory, has promised to those who have made Him LORD of their lives.
He has placed you on His signet ring for the time when He makes up His jewels, and now calls you His own. “They shall be Mine,” says the LORD.
So how will you answer Him who calls you forth from among them and to be separate from those who don’t know Him?
Compare it to the time when you were newly engaged to your husband or your wife. You became the most prized possession of the person who promised to spend his or her entire life with you, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer.until death do us part.
But this kind of “Fiance” has a farther reaching .commitment to you that cannot be equaled by any person you could ever meet.
When you marry your new spouse, it has been said in scripture that the husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it.
And the wife is to honor her husband. Believe me, if the woman had a husband who lived up to what it means to love the wife as Christ loved the Church, she should have no problem honoring such a man. You both would be a true gift to one another.
But we have a True Husband, Who gave His life for us, His Bride. And we as the Bride of Christ, honor Him with worship from the very depths of our being.
He has given us the ability to honor Him by the ability He Himself has given us: the ability to worship Him and the Father in Spirit and in truth.
He has given us the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.to empower us to worship in the Spirit, and to be His witnesses of the Love of the Father.
Our Husband, Jesus, now has stood before the Father as if He was you, so that you can stand before the Father because you are in Him. Your life is now hidden in Christ, with God.
Now you can come into the Holy of Holies;
You can enter by the Blood of the Lamb;
You can come into His Presence with singing;
To worship at the Throne of God;
Lifting holy hands, to the King of Kings;
Worship…. Jesus….
~ Thomas Downes
Thomas Downes. Walking with the LORD for over 40 years, Thomas runs “The Voice of the Writer” a Prophetic Ministry. His purpose is to present the Word of God and the Love of God with the prophetic heart; the heart that desires to hear the Voice of the LORD, and present His Word for the encouragement of others.
Thank you!
And writing.