HomeProphecyWe Are Approaching the Finish Line


We Are Approaching the Finish Line — 11 Comments

  1. The mark of the beast and the antichtist is all the same, it’s everyone’s fallen 666 beastly CARNAL MANS’S Adamic NATURE that you have to put off and put on the Lord Jesus The Christ.AND the SCRIPTURES PROVE IT.  There is no rapture, clouds are Gods peopl& believed by carnal people/

    • Bearing witness to the prophetic words woman of God. I believe, the EXceeding riches of His grace is here – Eph. 2:7 For WE, the CHURCH are His “workmanship” Eph. 2:10 created for (“good” works. Strong’s #18 / Phil. 1:6) a deeper study shows us “good works” is not just moral but that which produces benefits, acts, conditions. In other words both physical and moral. And yes, many of the universal beliefs in Christendom that you mentioned, are being re=examined, as the Spirit reveals in this “now” -“church age”. God is faithful. 1Thes. 5:24

      • Amen. The church is being sifted and all that remains through the testing of fire is His. We are His workmanship and we need a cleansing fire and His glory to shake the body up. Unity in Him is the answer and I believe it’s coming. The separation has begun between the sheep and the goats, the wheat and the tares.


  3. Si, amen! Attendo la pioggia dell’ultima stagione. Attendo la trasformazione. Attendo di vedere la Tua Gloria come mai è stato sulla terra!!!

    [ HKP : Google Translate : “Yes, amen! Waiting for last season’s rain. I await the transformation. I look forward to seeing Your Glory as it has never been on earth!!!” ]

  4. From google: The major North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) exercise Air Defender 2023, which is scheduled to run from 12 June 2023 to 23 June 2023, will be the largest air warfare operations exercise since NATO came into existence.

  5. Thank you for sharing this experience.  Very important message. From June 12 on a huge military maneuver is happening…

  6. Yes ! Amen!
    ‪Philippians‬3:14 NIrV
    14 I push myself forward toward the goal to win the prize. God has appointed me to win it. The heavenly prize is Christ Jesus himself.