Way of Escape
“I have made a way of escape for you from every temptation,” says The LORD.
“Do not listen to the illegitimate voices and lying spirits that tell you that you are entrapped with no possible way out of your circumstances. I have made a way where there is no way.
“I create and can do anything. I will make a door when none exists. I will make a highway where there is none. I will cause and I will affect. I will purpose and I will fulfill.
“I will call forth those things that are not, and they will appear for My mouth creates and I can make something out of nothing. There is no such thing as impossibilities,” says The LORD.
“The winds and the waves obeyed Me on the raging sea, and there was a great calm when I said, “Peace. Be still. ” I will quiet the storms in your life and bring you tranquility,” says The LORD.
“I AM the Way. You will not be lost in the storm, and I will bring you into the safe harbor. You will know that I AM in control and nothing can override My Power.
“Let the storms within you be still, as I sweep over you with My Spirit of abiding peace that passes all understanding. I will give you a rest that only I can provide as you place your trust in Me at all times,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
I receive the peace of Christ to still every raging storms in my life in Jesus name. Father, I thank you for with my God there is no impossibility! Thank you Lord for making a way for me where there is no way! Thank you Pastor Reinke! God bless you with more Grace
Praise God! Amen! God bless you, Pastor June Reinke! I receive and believe the prophetic and blessed Word of the Lord! Yes indeed, my heart desires to fall in love with Jesus, continually, over and over again, to be consumed in Him, His Divine Power, in his Divine Blood, desiring not to fall into the old evil traps of the flesh, set up evil and darkness set up in high places, principalities or hidden beneath the sea, the unknown and known.
I can appreciate being delivered by the Lord, praying to Jesus, to keep me sound, grounded, rooted, abiding in his Word, never to look back, but only me forward in His Divine Grace, Mercy, Blood and Power through the Holy Ghost.
I don’t want to be that man of God, fighting with a double minded mind and heart, to be whole in Jesus Christ, not half baked, but baked in Christ, completely, all of the way.
God bless you, Pastor June Reinke! I pray that you are doing well in the Lord, spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. I pray that he continues to use you for his Magnificent, Awesome and Ultimate Glory, for the building of God’s Kingdom! I extend much love, to you, to your family, to the True Remnant, the Church of Jesus Christ!️❤️