HomeProphecyWatchmen! Beware!


Watchmen! Beware! — 7 Comments

  1. I just realized I probably posted my reply in the wrong area, so I am re-posting here :)

    Word in season, Sisters.

    The root sickness is in false identity. Anger will lead to prophecy tainted with anger and hate, while a misaligned sense of understanding an aspect of Love is holiness, will lead to the childish “prophetic” words coming forth from the institutional system, which is often little more than soulish encouragement (not even Spirit Exhortation- which always carries direction)>

    Speaking the truth, in Love.. with the full blueprint. It is and will always remain in the minority willing to do so, because few allow Father to replace a satanic (work-based identity) with the Righteousness of Christ and His unconditional Love that is meant to define our True Value in Him.

    It is one of the greatest challenges of those who are called to the prophetic area of service; namely addressing both sides of the ditches of the narrow road… It can make one weep.. a lot.

    I bear witness with this Word in season. God bless you, Sandi. And you, Joyce!!

  2. Both Words are very powerful and needed, Sandi! Thank you for releasing.
    You could feel the Father’s Heart with every word He had you speak. I love you sister and friend! ❤️

    • Dear Joyce Thank you for your encouraging heart. I so want to heart and release His heart in purity. It is my joy to call you friend. Love you, my sister, Sandi

  3. Sandi,

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this Word!

    Especially, ” Celebrate each day, and take heed to the things I have spoken to you regarding keeping your heart and judging not.

    I say “Repent!” for the spirit of pride is manifesting itself through judging.

    Many things that look shallow on the surface, have deep roots — so I say, judge not — that you be not judged!” says The Just Judge.

    EXCELLENT TRUTH, we all need to me cognizant of & take heed. 



    • Bev, I so appreciate the agreement as well as the encouragement you have so beautifully released to me as a scribe of the Father’s heart. We must be especially careful in pointing out what ‘we see wrong’ with someone else lest we be speaking and judging from the pride of our own hearts. God bless you, faithful one. Love and more grace as you listen and obey, Sandi

  4. Sandy this is so true.  Hearing much of the same. Focus, go lower, and not to judge. Only Father knows the heart and man looks on the outward appearance. We have not walked in another’s shoes.  Many struggle but one would not realize it unless the Lord reveals it.
    My mother used to say when I was a child if you cannot say anything nice about someone say nothing at all. How much more Father God wants us to put a Watch at the door of our mouth and keep our hearts pure and non judgmental before him.  Thank you as always. Love you sister. Patricia

    • Greetings, my friend, Patricia and many thanks for your confirming words of learning to ‘keep our mouth’ shut. (smile). Your words reminded me a lot of an old book I go back to from time to time by Derek Prince “Does Your Tongue Need Healing”. How well we know that death and life are in the power of the tongue. I love that we all seem to have memories of things ‘our mothers said’ and they often are the things that really have stuck!! I believe as I write my book (and I have changed the focus a million times), one of the most important phrases I hope will be lodged in the heart of all who read it is: The tongue is a mirror of the heart. Blessings and love as always, my sister, Sandi

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