Watch and Pray — A Leopard Doesn’t Change Its Spots! (Updated)
Please only share this Word with people who are serious about praying!
A Prophetic Sign?
Watch and Pray — A Leopard Doesn’t Change Its Spots!
So today, I was sent a link [on Facebook] to a News headline that really got my attention, (see above: Germany to Send “Leopard” Tanks to Ukraine!)
As I read the headline, The Holy Spirit immediately quickened to me a powerful Prophetic Word I received, where The Spirit spoke to me about the Nation of Germany, “Three Times the Bear Shall Bite“.
See Prophetic Word below, “Three Times the Bear Shall Bite — A Leopard doesn’t change its Spots…”.
Please Friends, I share this post for careful and prayerful consideration.
Today in prayer, again The Holy Spirit had me praying concerning a sudden Nuclear Attack!
See link to this Word (below): “Urgent Warning: A Threat of Nuclear Weapons, A Snare and a Trap Set for the Bear“.
Please only share this Word with people who are serious about praying!
More Prophetic Signs!
‘Can we change its spots?’ Germany’s Leopard tanks create NATO rift.
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“Urgent Warning: A Threat of Nuclear Weapons, A Snare and a Trap Set for the Bear“
Post Postscript
28 January 2023
Let us remain Alert, Sober and Vigilant in this hour.
“They used to call them Panzers and Tigers in World War11, but now German tanks on the way to Ukraine are called Leopards. Have the spots really changed?”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
It is clear that there is a critical and serious call to prayer.
The thing that immediately impacts me is the great need for the people of God to fervently pray for God to give us the same spirit that Caleb and Joshua possessed. It was they, who entered the promised land. Caleb inherited Kiriat Arba, the city of giants – Hebron.
The sheer size, scale and number of the calamities described all occurring simultaneously – especially the “reports” that will be carried to the ears of Gods people about the great red giant.. will require the “people who know their GOD” to keep their eyes fiercely upon HIM and not allow their hearts to fail at the hearing of the fearful reports about how powerful and big the giant is but to wield the sWORD of faith in believing and in knowing WHO GOD IS.
It reminds me of Daniel 12;32 ….The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits
Let us pray fervently
Henry Gruver had 3 significant visions in 1986 that pertain to Russia and China invading America and London.
Hello Veronika,
Thank you for this. I have a couple of clarifying questions… Who are the Lion and the Great Slayer in the prev word you received?