Warnings: Black Horse | Digital Systems | Safe Haven Refuges
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In the last month, I have received a few things concerning the Economy what is coming.
On March 2, 2025, upon awakening, I heard this Word: “Revelation 6:6”
I immediately went to The Word, and this is what it said:
“And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”” Revelation 6:6.
This above verse is talking about the 3rd Seal that is opened, and the Black Horseman who brings :
“And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.” Revelation 6:5.
This is the third Horseman of the Apocalypse who brings portrays a food shortages, leading to a famine, and high inflation, leading to a depression.
The “Oil,” spiritually, represents The Holy Spirit and the “Wine” represents The Blood of Jesus.
This could be a Key, that those who walk in The Holy Spirit, and are covered with The Blood of Jesus.
I believe that this upcoming ‘collapse’ happens, in order to bring in the new economic system.
There is also a high probability that this will usher in the Mark of the Beast that is needed to participate in the new system.
My Safe Haven Community Forum:
It is past the time for like-minded believers to come together, and get ready to learn how to live independently.
Many years ago, The LORD had me set up a Community Forum for just this purpose.
When posting on my website, please be sure to include your general location, so you might be able to connect with others near-by.
I have included a new tab there that includes those with the skills for community living.
Besides the Spiritual aspect of being of the utmost importance, a Physical Skill Set is also very much needed.
This includes things like those who know how to farm, by taking care of animals, and those who are experienced in growing fruits and veggies. Check out the Forum for more info!
Two Warning Messages:
Here are two recent messages that I received concerning this New World Order:
First Message:
I received this, while praying on March 3, 2025.
“The Digital System that is being set up is part of the One World System that will try to unite the world into one.
However, the plans will be faulty, and it will be usher in My coming.
Did not The Father destroy the Tower of Babel? SO shall it be again!”
“And The LORD said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them…..
…. So The LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.” Genesis 11:6; 8.
“For as they attempt to reach God, and desire to be god, their efforts will be thwarted, and stopped.
For they know not that they are insulting, and betraying the Great Creator of the Universe, the Great I AM.
Soon they will know. Soon they will pay.
Only those who walk in the spirit realm, through My Holy Spirit will see what is taking place, and they will rightly discern the times.
They will be given Wisdom, from above, to know what to do, and when, for I will guide them.
Repentance is needed in this hour, for then you will be right with ME.
Let My Blood transform you into what I have called you to be. For you will overcome with The Blood and your Testimony of Me.
Spend time in The Word, and I will reveal Myself to you and make Myself known to you!
Seek Me now in all things!”
“They shall neither hunger nor thirst, neither heat nor sun shall strike them; for He who has mercy on them will lead them, even by the springs of water He will guide them.” Isaiah 49:10.
Second Message:
I received this Message while praying on March 10, 2025.
“What is coming is like a Train wreck! It is coming quickly, and swiftly.
If you look in the distance, you can see it coming — however, even though you get off the train tracks, it will still come — for there is no stopping it!
It brings carnage, and destruction, destruction to the economy, destruction to society.
It will hit a wall — and it will hit hard!
The pieces will scatter, and there will be no way to put it back together again.
Instead, out of the ashes will be a new system — a Digital System — that is part of the Beast.
I have warned My People to prepare for this time, so that they will be able to function in a parallel system — however, few have heeded, for they believe in their hearts that all will continue just like it has always been.
They are not able to imagine that the true Beast System would come and take over.
However, they are about to face it head on!
There is no praying away what is about to come, but instead pray that you will be able to endure, and not succumb to the enemy of your soul.
For he is setting up a snare for many of My Children to fall into — for those who are not prepared spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
The time is now to seek Me on how to get into position with the time that is left.
Do all that you can do to get ready, and then trust Me for the rest.
I will be present among you, and will do Miracles, like in the days of old.
I will multiply what you have, to meet you needs.
There will also be a Heavenly Manna that will come to nourish My Own, much like the days of Moses.”
“Yet He had commanded the clouds above, and opened the doors of heaven, had rained down manna on them to eat, and given them of the bread of heaven.” Psalm 78:23-24.
“Push forward, and do not look back to the ‘good old days’ of what was, but soon is not.
Do not look back like Lot’s wife, who complained, and grumbled in her heart and as she was led to safety, turned into a salt pillar.”
“But his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.” Genesis 19:26.
“Remember Lot’s wife.” Luke 17:32.
“Examine yourselves carefully, that you do not let the root of bitterness grow.
Come now, let us reason together.
Go into your Prayer Closet with Me, and let Me show you many Truths.
As you come close to Me, I will draw near to you!”
“Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, until the indignation is past.” Isaiah 26:20.
~ Elizabeth Marie
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Elizabeth Marie is a wife, mother, teacher and most importantly a follower and disciple of The LORD JESUS CHRIST. After receiving many prophetic dreams and night visions, Elizabeth was led to start a blog, Latterrain333, to share more of what she is shown. She became a Christian as a teenager, however, it wasn’t until 2010, when The LORD started giving her words, dreams and visions. A few years later, she started a YouTube channel, also called ‘Latterrain333.’
I heard black horse several times on 19/3/25. I heard “two denarius for a days wages” last summer. God is warning us of economic troubles. I have been warning people online.
Please help me pray that my family’s eye are open to the truth, before it is too late. My heart hurts for many.
Mark 13:10 says “before all this happens” (Antichrist, etc), the gospel must first be preached to all nations. Joshuaproject.net says there are many nations yet unpreached to, and unreached. Economic woes may well be on the way, but not those connected with the mark of the beast.
It is good to connect with others locally about growing food and learning survival skills though, that is for sure!!!