HomeProphecyWarning to The Church: 10 Days of Tribulation!


Warning to The Church: 10 Days of Tribulation! — 3 Comments

  1. 4 Diamond Prophecies, 5 Smooth Stones: Preparing Christians for the NEW AMERICA, the Transfer of Power, and the 10 Days of Darkness:
    1. Ed Citronelli: “Leading up to the Election there will be an all-time devaluation, an all-time Low for the US Dollar… It will Encompass the Election Month, even into the following year. You will not be able to get as much for your Dollar at the end of 2024.” Ed also prophesied that people need to get out of Debt before this happens.
    2. Chris Reed said recently that starting at the April 8th Eclipse, the Rebirth of America will occur for 9 months until January 2025. Chris also prophesied that Joe Biden will NOT complete his first term, and Kamala Harris will be President for a very Short Time.
    3. Barry Wunsch, who God has Highlighted to Me countless times, has also said Joe Biden will step down and this will lead to a Standoff between Putin & Kamal Harris… That will make the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis look like child’s play.
    4. John Paul Jackson said the Prophetic Sign for the US Dollar Collapse will be when China’s Real Estate Bubble has popped. CNBC, Bloomberg, and the others Business News Networks reported that this happened earlier this year, 2024.

    Ask God for Wisdom on how to Prepare.

    • Dear Elizabeth, this word, I can tell you from experience, is on-point!!
      It was January of 2015 that the Lord opened my ears to the evil one demanding before God that, “SHE NEEDS TO CHOOSE!!” On the morning of January 5th 2015, I screamed out, “I CHOOSE JESUS CHRIST!!” I went into a season of discipline so extreme that I believe that the Lord has blocked alot of it for me so that I can heal. It was ALL-OR-NONE!! And whenever I swayed right or left from His direction the discipline was extreme. The enemy was demanding my second born….I’d already lost my first!! This is no joke!! I learned strict obedience under extreme demands!! I prayed around 7-8 hours in a 24 hour period, and when I wasn’t praying I was in the Word. I was NOT about to lose another child. It’s been almost exactly 9 1/2 years now. I look like a shadow of what I used to and am heavily, and cruelly persecuted for it. But my family is in tact, my ex and I are best friends, my children are safe, and I have 3 beautiful grandchildren. I no longer smoke, drink, swear, wear makeup, alter my hair, starve myself, etc. etc….
      I believe I’m a forerunner of what’s coming upon the Nation of the USA!!
      What’s the lesson learned? No complaining…ZERO!! Do the work!! Obedience!! And as a result, He will provide our daily bread, just like Manna in the desert!
      God bless you beautiful lady!! :)

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