Warning on Replacement Theology
I want to warn some of you, replacement theology* just might get your name removed from the Book of Life.
I’m not saying that what goes on in Israel is all holy; it isn’t. Tel Aviv is the homosexual capital of the Middle-East. There are many sinful things, including abortion that happens in Israel, and God will judge like He does all sin… period.
In fact, we find in the Bible that Jacob’s trouble is about judgment rendered on Israel for their disobedience. And throughout the Bible, God did not spare Israel from chastisement when they rebelled. The same goes for now.
But to say that God has rejected the Jewish people, or the land of Israel because they rejected Christ, is just simply a lie. In Isaiah, God said He would blind them. This was done so that the Gospel would go into the world, which would provoke them to jealousy. Then at the right time, ALL of Israel will be saved. More importantly, we must remember that the disciples and the first century church were Jews. God didn’t blind them!
God made a covenant with Abraham Genesis 12. Later in Romans 11, we are told that those who accept Christ are grafted into to that same covenant and promise; a covenant that would last a thousand generations.
What’s even more dangerous is the rise of this false belief about black people being the “original Jews”. This is a false doctrine originally conjured up by people who were embittered about the history of African-Americans, and would not allow God to heal them.
Now, are there African Jews? Yes… many. And this is not to say that racism doesn’t still exist, because it does. I know, I’ve personally experienced it… from both sides. But who cares what color Jesus is? People, HE’s the Son of God!
For God so loved the WORLD…, not just the Jew, the white man, black man, or Asian, but the WORLD…, that He gave His only begotten Son. Jesus Christ came and died for the WORLD.
There is no political correctness in that! There’s no racial divide in heaven. You’re not going to get an extra crown, because you discovered that Moses’ wife was black. Get Over Yourself!
And lastly, to say, “I don’t support Jews or Israel, because they haven’t done anything for me”, well I say to you, “You’re reading the Bible aren’t you? Well the Jews gave you that…”
King James didn’t write the Scriptures.
Knowledge is a great, but it’s a gift. Gifts come without repentance. Which means you can have all the so-called knowledge in the world, and still end up in hell.
*Replacement Theology: “(or fulfillment theology) is a Christian theological view on the current status of the church in relation to the Jewish people and Judaism. It holds that the Christian Church has succeeded the Israelites as the definitive people of God or that the New Covenant has replaced or superseded the Mosaic covenant.” Wikipedia ©
Shabbat Shalom
~ Mena Lee Jones
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries
Mena Lee Jones of Faithful Walk Healing Ministries operates in the office of a prophet, ministers, counsels, mentors and prays for anyone who is in need of Christ’s eternal love. Her purpose is to bring His {Jesus Christ} truth and light to a lost generation.
Good word!