War Is Never Hell in a Kingdom Bunker
You have a saying on earth that war is hell, and from your perspective with blood, guts, fire it probably is the closest thing to hell that you will experience during your lifetime on earth.
However, this is never the case in the Kingdom, because when you are in the Kingdom, as a Kingdom Citizen, you do not need to do the warfare. At times you are a spectator and at other times you are a commander in a well protected guarded bunker operating the control center.
My angels make up the army and they do not have flesh and blood and neither do their opponents. My angels understand what to do and how to do battle in the spirit realm. You as a human being, would be a total loss if you really tried to do warfare. Shouting loudly, sweating, pounding on the floor or the bed, even shouting My Name without proper understanding, does not even phase demon forces.
They know you are in a physical body and cannot see them, so they have full and complete advantage with your blindness. They also know that you cannot hear them, because their voices are outside of your frequency.
You may not understand this, but some animals can tune in to that frequency and become extremely fearful causing them to act in a weird frightful way. There are dogs that can feel human pain and human frustration and fear, however sin has greatly limited human ability to connect with the spirit realm, therefore it is necessary for you to be born again and have your spirit man completely dominate your old nature and soul.
After your born-again experience, there is a plateau and a time of growth, that ‘I love you’ privileges in My Kingdom, where we overlook fleshly activities and decisions knowing that it is part of your infancy and adolescents.
It is called Grace, and it is very enjoyable for all newborns. However, this must come to an end, in order for My Kingdom to be established on earth. Your fleshly activity must cease and all childish activities eventually done away with, (1 Corinthians 13:11-13).
The enemy is not interested in whether you are a baby spiritually or an adult, he has one thing in mind, to kill you. When I was in a human body on earth, he tried to kill me before I was two years of age. Most believers are harassed, beaten down, powerless, and suffer the same thing as sinners do because pastors and teachers and leaders have not gone beyond this point either.
Even those who claim to be deliverance people, have a little knowledge and how My Kingdom operates, because they’re still shouting and sweating and screaming, while demons scratch their heads, wondering what they are doing.
A mature Kingdom Citizen need only to sit back in his spiritual bunker (secret place) knowing that he that lives in the spiritual bunker of the most High shall abide under the shadow of His Almighty power! (Psalm 91:1). He has learned to listen to My Spirit and to speak only the directives that he hears in his spirit man. He will be told to speak directly to the demonic forces, knowing that My angel armies are going to carry out what you speak in faith and confidence, (Exodus 23:22-24).
They know and recognize the authority that I gave you. Now this is the problem; your flesh has a voice that is loud and overwhelming, because it is directly connected to your emotions and it is not possible for you to divide between your emotions and your spirit because they sound identical.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for My rehma and logos word to be alive in you, separating between your emotions and your spirit. This separating must be done before you enter into warfare, because any flesh still alive in you, gives the enemy the advantage and you will not be able to defeat him, (Hebrews 4:12).
With your flesh still alive, your emotions will cause you to scream out and overreact to every demonic action, because all you can do is FEEL! Feel the pain, feel the depression, and feel the fiery darts that they throw, (Ephesians 6:16).
My Word is the only thing that can separate the two. However, if your flesh continues to live on with your personal agendas, you will never do warfare effectively. With this other loud voice you will not be able to accurately discern what My Spirit is saying to your spirit or what your flesh is speaking to your natural mind to accomplish your personal agenda.
The war between your will and My Father’s will, causes a lack of confidence on your part and without that confidence you lack the authority that My angels need to hear before they move into action. In desperation to win whether it be over physical pain, emotional pain, or financial pain, you begin beating the air as it were trying to hit something that you can feel but cannot see.
Only a very few of you will understand the operation that goes on in a Kingdom Bunker, the “secret place of the most high,” (Psalm 91:7-9). The mature Kingdom Citizen can sit in perfect calm, giving orders to demons to cease and desist and My angel armies will jump into action stopping them dead in their tracks while a group of immature believers beating the air and screaming for hours, exhaust themselves, hoping to set themselves and others free but to no avail, (1 Corinthians 9:25-27).
The spiritual bunker is the only truly safe place in earth’s atmosphere, but the fully mature Kingdom Citizen can actually live there until the day he crosses over.
In the weeks ahead people are going to be looking for the calm ones that have learned to speak from the bunker and win every battle with no injuries.
Today there is plenty of room in My Father’s bunkers, if you are wise you will choose to die to your flesh quickly and not be as one that beats the air living and exhausted and defeated life.
~ Jim Hammerle
Jim Hammerle (1941-2017) began ministering with David Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz, founding Teen Challenge Philadelphia. 6 times pastoring a mission ship, 15 years with TV and radio, a retired businessman, Jim helped feed Ugandan widows and orphans, and helped Muslims find the Jesus who fed them. He was His banker and was privileged to give His money away, helping to build a Haiti orphanage and invest in USA lives. Jim passed away on May 23, 2017 to be with the LORD.
Good insights, dear brother Jim. But… please wait – and let me explain something important: When you are a stranger in a rich nation, as many Christians and Jews are – and you need to survive or even build up at least a standard that is for so many of them is quite normal, and you are being forced and hindered in your daily business, then you have to deal with real stones in the way. Stones out of their bunkers. Real stones also.
Concerning building up the Wall of Jerusalem (those who are wise will understand): Yesterday I have set 2 or 3 times NEHEMIA 4 public. This is a Holy Scripture about building up, and how then Israels jealous enemies plotted and tried to run this down – influential people deleted it. They deleted this Scripture, as they deleted Jerusalem hymns. So we already have censorship for the sharp and “game-changing” Word of God !
I do not call them easily enemies. We are in times where most people only want money and success for themselves, while armies of families have to struggle at the existence minimum.
In Proverbs 30 / 31 is written that a good king must be a voice for the oppressed and poor. For righteousness`sake in the land, and for peace. For a worthy living, all under God`s rules. I thank God – I am not hungry for food any longer, He is a Provider, yes. Times are getting ugly, brethren. Many are in temporarily homes with temporarily Jobs. When those speak or write holy Words of God, because even churches give no shelter or job, even when they have plenty of rooms and money and jobs (for example: big senior houses) and then they are accused and fighted hard – when you have to face struggles at this niveau, then we can reason together. Waiting in the bunker is just a laughter for them. One of the most influential people, Bill Gates, more and more openly trumps out how think-tanks plan to cast down “dangerous” and “useless eaters”. Through vaccines and through deseases, to silence the “mob”.
I don`t know if they or the holders of this page let me publish this. Anyway – at least please read NEHEMIA 4.
GOD woke me up at 3 AM.