Walk in Purity of Heart!
I hear the Father saying:
“Be not alarmed My child nor dismayed, for I AM bringing you peace to rule your heart, surpass your understanding, where you will have tranquility of mind, be content in your present trials to know I AM with you.
I will never leave you nor forsake you, and have called you to Myself, so that you know the beauty of My Name and the power of My presence in holiness.
I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Who has done great things in the midst of My people Israel.
I AM the God of those who call upon Me, acknowledging the work of My Son, so that many will come into the marvelous Kingdom of the Son of My Love, knowing Me deeply, being reconciled unto peace, which is the inheritance of the Saints.
I AM the God of restoration and restitution, bringing quickly My freedom and deliverance to your house, as I remove the reproach of the enemy, sending My strong west wind to remove all the locusts and cast them all into the Red Sea.
You will no longer be tormented by the things of your past, and that which has been a stronghold in your mind, for this is the hour of freedom and of Liberty, as you celebrate the Light of My Truth, My Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Who has revealed all of Who I AM.
I AM the God of breakthrough and deliverance, bringing your healing at the breaking of the noonday sun, where your Light will shine, as the Glory of My Name is revealed through you My child, for others to know that you are Mine.
I AM the God of holiness and truth, and call you to a life of holiness, as you carry the power of My presence, knowing My favor is within you; you have received the power of My mercy at the throne of Grace.
Be willing in this hour to step out in faith and what I have called you to.
Lean not on your own understanding, but acknowledge Me in all of your ways, and I will direct your path.”
Amen and Amen!
God bless!
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Be hopeful and mindful that things are soon to breakthrough for you; you are coming into the knowledge of God’s grace to know the purpose of His plan, where His Name is glorified, causing others to be in awe of His mighty works!
Do not despise the day of small beginnings but know that promotion comes from God and He is bringing you into the power of His Name, His plan, where you see the greatness of His call, knowing that your trials and tribulations were worth it all, as the perfecting of His Name was made known to your soul (heart and mind), so that you are an abiding place for His Holy Name!
Be expectant and know that God will come suddenly in power, filling you completely because you have been hungry and thirsty for righteousness, where He has drawn close to you, because of you seeking Him in faith.
He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, bringing them a good and expected end, to know the sweetness of His promise.
Celebrate the glory of His Marvelous Light in Christ, knowing that peace, love and joy have been given unto you not only in this season but all year long!
God bless!
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I pray you are stirred with God’s Hope, knowing the GLORY OF CHRIST JESUS INSIDE OF YOU, bringing you good cheer, great joy abounding, where your heart is continually resounding the good news for all to hear!
I pray you are reconciled to the power of God’s truth, knowing that His Word is Mighty to save, heal and deliver to the uttermost, giving you holy emotions, where you are quickened in your spirit, leaping with a new step, as you have an attitude of gratitude, causing the Love of Christ Jesus to rise up within you, as you become a fountain of Living Water for others who are thirst and hungry for righteousness!
I pray you are caught in the power of God’s purpose, knowing the hope to which you have been called, as you are separated unto Him for good works, overflowing in His mercy and truth, where you have favor and high esteem with God and man.
In Jesus’ Name!
I pray you are caught into the place of God’s Promise, knowing the Land of the Living, as you are filled with the anointing of His grace in the Spirit of prophecy, where you see the Testimony of Christ Jesus made known to you and through you, being a drink offering poured out upon others, to give God’s abundant mercy and grace!
In Jesus’ Name!
Amen and Amen!
God bless!
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Saints of God walk in purity of heart, where you do not speak falsely nor imagine anything harmful within your heart, guarding it diligently so that you only speak well of others.
As we love others, we are not to expect anything in return, for these are the very words of Christ in Luke 6:35; we prove ourselves to be sons and daughters of God when we love beyond all evil, turning our cheek to stand in a love and compassion beyond this present age, which causes hope to abound within your soul, marking you as children of God!
You are born from above!
In this joyous season, reach beyond your normal limits, knowing that Christ within you is abounding in GOOD WORKS, bringing the truth of the Father’s promise to your soul, where you are awake to truth!
You are awake from slumber, knowing the Light and the darkness that is present, in order that you overcome evil with good!
This saints of God proves where you are from and Whose you are!
God bless!
A saint crying out to God for fullness of deliverance and the manifestation of salvation.
~ Robin Kirby Gatto
Robin Kirby-Gatto operates in the prophetic, bringing the testimony of Jesus into the earth through the scripture Revelation 19:10 “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Robin walks in God’s Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding and is brought into areas to bring a revelation of God’s Truth, The Word as the Holy Spirit brings forth God’s anointing into her ministry.
Phenomenal. This is profound. Thank you Abba Father. Thank you sister.
Thank uou for sharing the Fathers heart.please pray for me and my fimaly.God bless,Merry Christmas
I claim my deliverance and and wisdom & knowledge in God’s grace and love right now. I thank you for an attitude of gratitude rising up inside my heart mind and soul. I lift you up and as you have to me I praise your Holy name. I continue to pray for my breakthrough and awakening from slumber to see light and truth of that I’m called to. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.