HomeProphecyWake Up, the Trumpet is Blasting!


Wake Up, the Trumpet is Blasting! — 4 Comments

  1. Discernment is lacking in most people. The instant fix is what most desire. Reading the Word and asking God for wisdom and understanding is lacking and will be the downfall of many unless they come out of their laziness and truly seek God for themselves. The deceivers are abundant and yet the church in particular sleeps on. It isn’t a church really it just full of churchgoers. That is not knowing God. One can sit in a garage and it doesn’t make them a car!

    • Janie, you are so right. We must read the Word and seek God for ourselves as you spoke. 
      We are the church surely. It is not just a ‘framed’ building but a body of believers. Also not about denominations and a bunch of dividing walls.
      Still blood bought Christian believers should try to gather in fellowships with other Christians as able. Thank you for coming by. May the true church wake up to all the play games inside many fellowships. Blessings ❤️

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