Upgraded And Hating It?
A lesson from the chickens…..
Even the chickens can preach a sermon.
So we moved the oldest chickens to a bigger custom coop. They did not like it and wanted to move back to the small home in the suburbs! They could not sleep or eat, they did not even look for a nest. Wanted to go back.
Baby chicks same way, moved them out of a playpen into the older bigger coop and they stayed right by the door wanting to go back…. Afraid and hollering.
Transition is hard
As I thought about all this and watched them, I sensed maybe we do that too.
God gives us an upgrade from the pit to the palace and we do not realize it at first, and like those chickens we are scared and lose our appetite and holler a lot.
We knew it was the nicest thing for their health and comfort…… But they do not understand this as yet…… They are not comfortable at all.
Soon they will not remember the old coop, but it takes awhile to adjust.
Many of us are adjusting to transition that, at the moment, does not seem good for us, wondering what is going on, a little fearful maybe.
But God knows what is best for us to take us higher, bless us and prosper us.
If we are smart we will settle down and trust God.
Chuck and I have every good intention for these chickens, but they do not trust us. It would be easier on them, If they did trust us….
Just like it is easier on us to trust our heavenly Father in all things even when it does not look good or feel good…… Amen.
~ Gail Manizak
Gail Manizak of The Power and Presence Ministry, is all about encouraging the Body of Christ as a Ministry of Intercession and contending for our communities, as a House of Prayer.
“We walk by faith, not by sight or feelings”