United Kingdom Revival
Two words in one. Two questions — then a Prophecy.
The LORD keeps asking me to ask the questions, often the same questions over and over again, so I cannot but be obedient and ask — sometimes with a suggested answer too!
This is a long post, so grab a coffee and give yourself time to read and digest whatever you feel God is saying to you . . .
Feedback welcome, as always!
How Long Must I Wait?
“How Long Must I Wait?” cries The LORD. “How long before you will believe Me — and step out in the anointing I have given you?
How long before you realise what I have given you?”
Not being used to such questions from The LORD, and I suppose being a bit defensive, I asked, “Who Lord? Is it me, or someone else?”
“How long before My People, who are called by My Name, will repent of their lack of Faith, lack of Belief, lack of Courage, and step up to the plate and use that which I have given them?”
He continued, “I have spoken to so many, through My Prophets, yet My People do not receive what I tell them.
They listen but they do not hear.
They hear, but they do not understand.
They sit on their gifts, and like the fearful servant, they bury My gift.
That’s not being faithful with the gift — that’s not stewarding it properly!
When will they pick up their gift and use it in the power and authority I have given them in Jesus?
When will they use My Spirit — I have given Him for their use. Yet they seem afraid. Afraid to step out, to make themselves a fool for My sake. Afraid even of offending someone.
Tell them, tell them quickly, time is short, so short. Now is the hour they have prayed about for so very long.
Who cares what the world thinks? It is time to tip the world on its head, time to defy logic, convention, time to even defy the worlds laws if they conflict with My Laws.
This is why I have given gifts.
Let the Prophet prophesy to a disbelieving world.
Let the Healer heal a doubting world.
Let the Deliverer set the captives free in a bound and desperate world.
Let the Evangelist cut loose in a world longing for that ‘something better’.
The harvest is ripe and ready. Let those whom I have gifted apprehend and use the gifts I have given.
My Army is ready to fight with you, but I cannot fight for those who have hidden their gifts.
It is time to use what you have been given. It is time to activate the prophecies you have been given. It is time for harvest.
Who will go?
Who can I send but you?
How long must I wait?” asks The LORD.
Having said that, The LORD had me write a related Word on Revival — particularly in The United Kingdom, but also worldwide. So I’ve added it to the original.
As individuals, we have our responsibilities before God, but sometimes He is seeking more than just individual responsibility.
He is looking too for those capable and willing to steward or shepherd Revival!
United Kingdom Revival
I was talking recently about any signs of Revival in The United Kingdom. and the reasons that Revival seems to tarry.
We quickly came to a conclusion that it’s the fragmentation of The Church, and the lack of true leadership which really doesn’t help our cause.
In fact we ended up asking the question — When is a leader going to step up and lead?
Before anyone gets excited about that question, it is no reflection upon the many fine church pastors and leaders, throughout the land, working tirelessly to bring their flock to Revival.
It is more a question to The LORD about mantles of true leadership at a national level. There seems to be no-one with the qualities and charisma to unite the Church in Great Britain!
I posted this, in a piece entitled “Revival, Then and Now” — A summary of Revival Past and Present” in November 2021.
“We already see the signs of revival starting in various places in America. There’s good evidence of it in California, Alabama, and Tennessee that we have seen.We believe this will spread rapidly as the Fire of Revival grows exponentially.
What about other places around the world?
It is well reported that places like Iran, Afghanistan, and China — places of heavy persecution — have revival spreading like wildfire.
They are known as the fastest growing Christian churches in the world, despite being underground, despite all the death threats and other persecutions.”
But what about Wales, Scotland, Ireland, or England? Who knows?
Scotland has long been prophesied, including me — although I’m coming round to Wales right now. I know — double minded man etc etc . . .
The LORD has told me, a few times now, that the few people reading this are sufficient to bring revival back to their area, maybe the whole country — even to The United Kingdom. IF they get together in UNITY.
“A house divided cannot stand.” Mark 3:20.
England seems to be still cold, and Scotland is still under an ‘iron dome’ of witchcraft.
There are the odd hot-spots of course, but generally, and I emphasise generally, the church has given up, surrendered her rights, and generally fought very shy of being the voice of God lest they get persecuted!Ireland, north and south, seems very quiet too, and Wales is still a very closed nation in church terms — no unity at all.
Yes, there are exceptions, places where the spark of revival still tries to ignite those around them, but such places are rare!
Yet, it is my firm conviction that Wales is beginning to smoulder under the growing fire started by the embers of the great Welsh Revival of the early 1900’s.
So, today, I prophesy this to Wales
WALES, HEAR THE WORD OF The LORD, for The LORD is calling you to His side.
He is lining up your old wells before you. I call each well to open up in the Name of The LORD. Living water flow once more.
Wales, you are in the “Valley of dry bones” right now, but I prophesy to the bones to draw near together — to come together in a oneness and unity that has not been seen for decades, even centuries.
I prophesy to the breath to return to these recreated bodies and to bring life into The Body of Christ in Wales.
I prophesy to The Body in Wales to uncap, to tear open, to release each and every well that has been stopped up in these past seasons.
I prophesy the Spirit of God to return in Revival Glory and Power to Wales.
I prophesy REVIVAL in Wales this day and lasting until The LORD returns for His Bride.
Finally, a Word from earlier
“I see oil, golden oil, flowing all along the border, from Wales into England.
I hear the voice of The LORD saying, “See, the oil of My Presence flows from the old wells of Wales. As you break open these old wells, taste and see once again the power of My Presence.”“
Now, in May 2023, The LORD is once again bringing up the subject of Revival in The United Kingdom, and elsewhere, but particularly to The United Kingdom.
I believe that the Word above, to ‘break open these old wells, taste and see once again the power of My Presence’ is now of paramount importance to The Church worldwide as well as Britain.
It is now an urgent matter to seek out and reopen, break open, these old Wells of Revival throughout the British Isles — in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales — and reclaim the land the enemy has stolen over the years.
We, Linda and I, have a mandate to do so — how many others have the same mandate and mantle?
It’s time for God’s People to stand up and answer His call to them whether they’re comfortable or not in their call.
If we truly want Revival in The United Kingdom, or America, or anywhere else for that matter, then it’s time to answer the call of God on our lives.
It’s time to use the mantle God has placed on us — or lose it!
The battle cry has been sounded — how will you respond today? Will you rise with me? Or will you leave it for ‘someone else’ to do?
The LORD God Almighty is waiting on our answers — are you in? Or are you going to stand by and watch?
It’s up to YOU alone.
It’s between you and The LORD.
Choose well!
“And if it seems evil unto you to serve Jehovah, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve The LORD, Jehovah.” Joshua 24:15
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Posted in humility and fear of The LORD.
~ Chris G. Bennett
Chris Bennett came to salvation in 1962 but didn’t begin ministry until 2007 — a late-comer! Now mandated by The LORD to prophesy and open old wells of Revival in the U.K., but especially in Wales. He has also operated Healing Rooms, and worked with deliverance teams, all with his wife, Linda. Happily now doing whatever The LORD asks of them! Founder, with wife Linda, of their ministry The Upper Room Encounter.
Amen, with you on this.
Dear Chris, many thanks about your relentless encouragement to do what is necessary for living out revival! I feel Holy Spirit is telling me share what I experienced in Wales in Sept 2022: Being from Germany, the LORD brought me to the old wells in Wales to tap the Church of Germany to them. It wasn’t much about asking the LORD to “open” them again (I think they ARE open) but to reconnect to them. For this trip the LORD had given me a “theme”: to declare “ozapft is”, which is the word for “it’s tapped” at the Oktoberfest in Munich, when the first barrel is opened by the mayor of Munich. The day, I was at the chapel of Blennaerch, and where the anointing of the LORD is very strong about HOLINESS, right at the hour I was there and declared the “theme”, a friend sent me a picture from the sky above Munich, where a helicopter has written this very theme into the skies (it wasn’t even the first day of Oktoberfest, so even more astounding). The LORD confirmed HIS theme that HE has given for this trip in a great way.
We have to go for re-connection!
Praise God! Amen! God bless you, Brother/Minister Chris Bennett! This is a rhema Word of God, at such a time, where it is much needed. I sincerely and truly understand, which I didn’t clearly understand in the midst of fear, which torments a soul into hiding, running away from spiritual gifts, God and the enemy.
It is sometimes, when the Lord allows us to be cornered in life, with spiritual oppositions sent by the adversary, so that what He has invested in us, will be pierce through, with us taking the authority in Jesus Christ to move forward with His perfect will, in our lives individually and corporately. It doesn’t pay to be stubborn or having a hard heart, especially when we know God personally in our lives, because sometimes because of being in the state of rebellion and disobedience, can cause traumatic pain our lives, spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.
God bless you! I thank God for your obedience in sharing this word via post.♥️