Unfolding Roses, Revealing the Fresh Dew
“The pathway has not been easy nor did it seem right, but this I say to you My child, it is in you, that I delight.
I AM raising up your arms again and giving you some light. A dark and dreary season, yes. even a dark night. But lift your voice, and do this for Me, just say “amen”.
I love you dearly, says the LORD, so precious are you, in My sight.
Arise and shine for light has come so fresh and so new. A new day is dawning, a new chapter for you. I will unfold the roses, the dew, I will show you the great beauty of all there is to do.
Though nothing has been easy I have been with you, never forsaken, never alone, forever in My hands, I, the LORD walked there with you.
I have heard your prayers and I have seen your tears and I make a new season for you.
Arise and shine because you are Mine, so very tried and very true. A new year, a new day, I AM proud of you, it is, I, the LORD, I brought you through.
Now as we go, I will strengthen you, you will walk, and you will jump and even leap like the Giselle, from mountaintop to mountain.
Yes, My dear child, there is a fresh dew, droplets of Glory will now begin to fall on you!
There is no valley so deep, so dark, so blue that I cannot reach down My hand and rescue you.
I call you to come and to rest a little while, sit at My feet, while I give you “water” that will refresh you.
This water makes all things new. Drink from My cup, for there are others in need of water, just like you.
I have filled you with Mercy and Grace, Life Giving words not just a few.
Did I Not say, “out of their bellies will flow rivers of living water,” the flow is just beginning get ready for the New.”
Amen and Amen.
~ Gail Manizak
Gail Manizak of The Power and Presence Ministry, is all about encouraging the Body of Christ as a Ministry of Intercession and contending for our communities, as a House of Prayer.
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