Ukraine: In Vogue Today — But Gone Tomorrow! (Updated)
February 3, 2025.
Zelensky doesn’t know where the money is. Who does?
” Zelensky doesn’t know where the money is. Who does?
Zelensky — accused the US of financial fraud:
When I hear, and I have heard before, and today we hear from the US that America gave Ukraine hundreds of billions, 177 billion, to be more precise. That was the exact figure that Congress supported or voted for, and so on, and various organizations.
Look, as the president of a country at war, I tell you, we received more than 75 billion. That is, 100 billion of these 177 or 200, even some people say, we never received.
When they say that Ukraine received 200 billion during the war to support the army and so on, it is not true. I don’t know where all this money is.” ©
Ukraine: In Vogue Today — But Gone Tomorrow!
The picture below was highlighted to me today, and I heard these Words, ”Ha! Watch for the one they call Zelenksy, ”in vogue” Today — but gone tomorrow!”
See Two Prophetic Riddles:
1) “A Prophetic Riddle: The Puppet Masters, A Global Reset & WWIII“
First published: March 18, 2022.
“……. Puppet Masters- God’s Great Eagles rising; and The Power of Prayer that can bring a Divine Delay!
Warning: This post will most probably cause some debate and a difference of political opinions (which is fine). However, I will block anyone who tries to start arguments and is disrespectful!
So, today while sitting before The LORD, praying for The Nations, I was suddenly impressed to just stop and listen, and then I began to write as I felt the unction of The Spirit rising within me. I heard these words.
“Zelensky…. Zelensky, like a beggar with a silver cup in his hand, he sits and beckons for leaders of NATO Nations to make a greater stand.
Oh how deceived can the leaders of many Nations be? Like the blind leading the blind, will they rise to appease and to please the one they all hail as Richard the Lion-heart…. Zelensky?
But open your eyes and do not be taken in, for he is no lion-heart or lion king, but rather a ravenous Wolf dressed in a Sheep Skin, desperate and downcast, so the crocodile tears will fall and with a cry of bloodshed and tyranny, he will seek to draw many gullible Nations into a web of lies and satanic wizardry
Watch! For I tell you what has been hidden behind the veil of corruption and sin, shall soon be exposed for the eyes of all nations to see.
Yes! For this globalist actor — and a good one at that — will continue to try to lure NATO nations into a world wide trap.
“A trap you say? Surely it can’t be? For this is a hero and champion of Ukraine’s freedom and liberty!”
Nay! I say he is nothing more than a puppet on a string, who is simply moving at the commands and demands of globalist kings.
Watch and Pray, for if they have their way, a World War Three shall certainly become a new found reality, which has long been strategically planned to bring a Global Reset to world governments, and to the economy.
So again I say, Watch and Pray!
For what is now being seen, is but a well executed globalist play script that is unfolding like a movie on a big screen.
Listen! “Covid,” they cried, to get many to run and hide, and with masks they covered the mouths of The Nations to silence their voice.
But then came an unexpected backlash and an uprising that would fight for the Freedom of Choice, and so with their plans failing to make and keep Nations enslaved, they have endeavoured to move quickly to the next Global Reset phase.
A World War Three is what they are now trying to orchestrate and guarantee, first, by installing a weak leader who would turn a blind eye, and who could be bought and sold with blood-money and a promise of financial anonymity.
Yes! Sleepy Biden — the Joker and the Queen — was their first pick right from the start, which would enable Soros and Obama — The Puppet Masters — to make them sing and dance. And sing and dance they do, to the sound of their demonic tune.
But for how much longer, before the jig is up? For I tell you, the Joker and the Queen are running out of time and their hope in good luck.
Ha! I laugh at their games and their secret dealings behind closed doors, for they think I AM blind and cannot see what diabolical plans they have in store, to lead Nations through the door to another World War.
So, awake and arise My Warriors, and stay alert!
Lift up your Shields of Faith and the two-edged Sword in this hour of great conflict and an unpredictable war, to see with greater clarity and understanding, of what is now knocking at the Door.
I say,..Brace! Brace and stand your ground! For there is a sound of The Roar of The Lion of Judah that will go forth to bring a mighty Overcoming and a Divine Turnaround.
So, do not grow weary and do not faint, for now My Great Eagles must rise up and face, in great Power and unceasing Prayer, the circling serpent spirit that has its eyes on the Nation of Taiwan, and the fury of The Great Bear, that looks determined to restore what was, from days long before.
So I say again, Watch and Pray! For the Power of Prayer and Praise can surely bring a delay!
Yes! I say, a Divine Delay to the works of the kingdom of darkness, that would set the course of Nations in a direction of more death and disaster, and that would seek to steal a Great Harvest!””
2. “Ukraine, Russia, WW3 and Media Deception“
First published: March 8, 2022.
“A Prophetic Riddle received on the USA date: 3/6/22…. and the UK date: 6/3/22.
“Watch and Listen! Tick, tock, tick, tock, go the hands of the clock.
Look to Me! Look to Me! I say, look to Me, for they shall say, “Surely its the beginning of World War 3!”
But I say, open your eyes and see, for the one they call Zelensky, he is no hero and no champion of The Truth.
For he’s nothing more than a political pawn on a globalist chess board and puppet on a string — a traitor to his country and a Judas to his friends. He thinks he has the world hoodwinked to his deceitful and demonic deeds.
But watch! For in the midst of a great shaking, I shall expose and uncover their secret deals and diabolical plans, and I shall strip them naked for the world to see — lights, camera, action — and the curtain will lift and the Puppet Master’s plans will suddenly have to move and shift.
And oh! How they will scatter like cockroaches in the dark. “It’s Putin! It’s Putin!” they all will shout, “He’s to blame for the suffering and the beginning of this Third World War fight!”
But nay I say, “This has been strategically and carefully planned by high ranking politicians hidden in plain sight, for the hungry Bear has now been provoked, by the corrupt hands of those who dared to prod and to poke.
And so watch, as the political dominoes begin to fall, as one by one, they will come into the light, and like a mad feeding frenzy. the media will shout, “This is surely all truth and not false or fake!”
But watch! For just like the boy who again cried wolf (ref), so gone are the days of believing what they say and walking in blind faith, as the eyes of all Nations finally receive clear sight.
And with a loud roar, they will rise from a very deep sleep, and begin to push back the global elites, and so with WW3 now knocking on the Door, will NATO Nations open up for more?
And like a wild cat let loose from a sack, once the Door is wide open — there is no going back!
For greater turmoil and trouble will certainly ensue, as Nations rise against Nations with an appetite for murder and more bloodshed.
So, watch and pray and do not say, “That this is that…,” for many things are not as they seem. So, listen and pay attention and you will learn, to look and to learn.
For I AM The Answer to all that you need. So, fear not My Beloved when they talk of a World War Three, for there is a place of safe Refuge and Peace, which can only be found by resting in Me!””
Image ©
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Зеленський – антихрист, безбожник, нечестивець, беззаконник…
Zelensky is the antichrist, godless, wicked, lawless…
In the TV debate between Sunak and Truss on 26th July, the presenter asked a question about Ukraine/Russia. Liz Truss’ response included, “If we don’t stand up to Putin he will continue to threaten Western freedom and democracy”. At that exact moment there was a loud noise and Truss jumped back in shock exclaiming omg. The programme was taken off air and we later found out the presenter had collapsed. When I saw this I felt there could have been something prophetic about it. The presenter (representative of the media) collapsed as Truss said how western freedom and democracy was being challenged (when we know the events of the last few years have been Western freedom and democracy being eroded by the same people controlling the Ukraine show with the assistance of the media). Liz Truss’ reaction of shock could be representative of the shock the world has when all is revealed. I don’t know, but that was my thoughts after seeing it.
I didn’t know this when I wrote the above comment yesterday but I just discovered that the channel that hosted that debate, Talk TV, is owned by Rupert Murdoch. In the last 40 years there can’t have been a bigger visible media mogul than him so now I’m even more convinced of what I wrote above.
My thoughts exactly.!!
Hi Veronica, many months ago I ‘heard’ that in spite of wanting to be a Christian nation, Russian would invade a country in a war developing in the East in order to destroy a savage dog (could this be the Nazis Putin is referring to)? I then heard ‘Kiev’. I also ‘saw’ that Putin is being controlled by the spirit of Russia, which is a bear. She wants her children back, which I presume are the two disputed areas of the Ukraine.
From another source, Zelensky is a disciple of Klaus Schwab, so everything that Veronica says here, follows that.
Agreed. The media has played the shell game and manipulate sympathy for Zelensky when he is the puppet controlled by the globalist satanic people.
Dear Veronika – The Lord brought to my remembrance Numbers 23:19 and Amos 3:7. Thank you so much for your faithfulness in sharing that words you receive from Father. May the Lord continue to bless you.
Amen, Sister! Connecting the dots, one will find this guy filthier than a garbage pail! I hope he has enough soul left to repent! If not , standby for heavy seas!!!
Because Sleepy Joe supports Zelensky will millions of American dollars, there must be something terribly wrong, because everything Biden touches turns to ruin.
There will be a shout in heaven when Obama & Soros have fallen!
Thank you, Dearest Veronika!
Dear Veronika, I knew in my spirit exactly what you have heard from the Lord- Zelensky is a filthy puppet of Soros and Obama, Putin is not the evil one, it’s the globalists, Soros has had his dirty hands on Ukraine for a long time, and is trying to bring down Putin and Russia.It’s a shame how deceived most people are, you tell the truth-thank you!
Only 1 war ago German newspapers reported about Selensky as deeply involved in corruption.
But now he is built up as the hero of the western world.
Completely funny and crazy…..
I truly pray for the Possibilities of our Creator Father, the Author and Finisher of ALL, to be released into the lives of these globalist leaders. What an amazing testimony of His Power, to take what Satan has meant for destruction and work it together for good, that would be.
If we’re to come up Higher, I believe we would see that His Arm isn’t too short to save, and His Word doesn’t return void.
I know these people will meet their destruction, and it will be extreme! I myself have had to meet my own destruction, and as a result of His great Love and Mercy, have found the Door on the Floor of my own heart.
Father, may it be so with them. Have Mercy on their souls Lord. Expose everything that is preventing them, and those hoodwinked by them, from seeing clearly, and knowing fully, as they are clearly seen, and fully known. Father, take what the devil has meant to destroy in these circumstances, and in your children, and work them together for Good.
For I believe that there is nothing impossible with You Father, and that Your Arm of Salvation is nowhere near too short to save.
God bless you beautiful lady.
I’ve been praying for Great Britain. The plans He has are for Good, exceedingly, abundantly, far above and beyond what we can even think or imagine!! :)
Ukraine and Zelensky are nothing more then puppets of the West. Russia and Putin are not the enemy, Zelensky is! Allow that to sink in for a moment. For only those who posses wisdom and understanding can see the truth, yet the Western world would have you believe Ukraine Zelensky are the victim; NOT SO! The evil that has been done will be revealed in the days to come and Zelensky will be exposed for who he truly is. Where are the true Prophets? Where are the sons of Issachar? It’s time to wake up people and realize that not everything is as it seems. The kingdom of heaven will be advanced by violence, as we are at war.
You are not alone Douglas. There are voices, many whom our King has prepared in the desert places being called out now to arise and speak. While I am not sitting in that office of a prophet, I agree with you – for the full restoration of the biblical stature of men woman and children to come forth from the counsels of the Lord and declare His word and for true prophets to be set in place.Noe is the time for the company of Godly character and holy empowered prophets to release the word of the Lord.
I’m not convinced that Europe are deceived by Zelensky, they are all puppets of WEF, Soros WHO, Rockaf…s,Gates etc. This is more about vilifying Russia, increasing support for NATO, and disrupting the economies of all the countries involved in wars and sanctions.
We have Justin Trudeau here in Canada the world all celebrated him as a great leader. Take a long hard look and remember what you thought, do not forget how He deceived you, the song the dance is the same as Zelensky, the world economic form profiles people to find these puppets and then use money and voting machines to install there puppet leaders just ask yourself why would any country that loves truth righteousness and justice need to be part of a global perverse agenda why is globalism even a thing all the history we have shows this idea on leads to the worst of times. I know God loves truth righteousness and justice and He is busy spreading this throughout the earth this may look like a purge if you have a problem with these powers if not there is a whole lot of goodness to follow
Thank you for what you wrote. In my spirit I knew the man they call a hero is a wolf in sheep clothing. God bless you for hearing from our Father.