HomeProphecyUK: Not on My Watch!


UK: Not on My Watch! — 29 Comments

  1. After reading the above comments it reminded me of 9/11 in New York City.  I had asked God why did this happen and then He gave me 1 Kings 11, concerning Solomon.  Solomon was not to marry foreign women for they worshiped false gods.  He did it anyway and we read how the heart of Israel turned from the One True God, to the false gods of his wives.  Israel was made to worship these false gods. Verses 9 & 10 says, “So the Lord became angry with Solomon, because his heart had turned from the Lord God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice, V10 and had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods; but he did not keep what the Lord had commanded.”  The Lord showed me that we, America gave up our God for foreign gods and a well known Pastor went to the Muslims and came up with a title of Chrislim.  I just pray for the new PM to have a one on one meeting with Jesus Christ that he won’t be able to deny and to receive Him as his Lord and Savior.  Our God is greater than his false God and the UK will be saved by God Almighty!

    • Prophecy 1911: “… Britain will lose its empire and colonies, will come to the brink of ruin but will be saved by praying women…”

    SUNAK HAS AN INDO-PERSIAN BACKGROUND. PERSIAN WAS THE OFFICIAL language in India until the British East India Company arrived in the 19th century.
    Daniel 10 speaks of the Prince of Persia whom MICHAEL was sent to deal with.
    Daniel lived in the time of Cyrus a Persian King.
    We know whom the present Cyrus is don’t we.?
    Daniel was told to seal up some of the prophecy for the time of the end.


  4. I watched in horror, disbelief and great sadness as Mr rishi Sunak lit candles at the door step of 10, Downing st and performed demonic rituals in honour of Indian gods. No one stopped him. What a shame.let God arise and let His enemies be scattered.
    But Britons are too permissive. I pray and hope that the Church of England will perform a cleansing rituals to cancel enthronement of Demons in Britain.
    May God have mercy

  5. Hi, I just read a comment from someone in Germany that says the US primarily believes in a pre-trib rapture of the church and not other countries.  I’m just curious if this is true from what others out of the US have heard?  Also Veronika is this something you believe in?  Would greatly appreciate if anyone could comment back.  Thank you!

  6. Ae, in Jesus name we Speak & Prophecy His WORD in and over our Nations.
    NZ time 10 to 7pm to 10 past 7pm, Monday 24th October, our Labour Holiday. Something horrid rippled through the spiritual realm. In Tongues most times I questioned the Holy Spirit and asked Him to unravel it for me. The next bit of news on TV, announced the horrid thing as your PM, I rebuked that demon straight away, reversed and cancelled out his plans in your Nation and every ripple effect it caused in the spiritual realm to other nations.
    Prophecy, Prophecy, Prophecy to your nation the Word of our God to SPOIL EVERY PLAN OF THE ENEMY & plead the VOICE OF the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST over your Nation and all of the children of God.
    Rise up, RISE UP children of God, Fast and Pray, then Pray and Fast again. The Holy Spirit will lead us through these times……JESUS IS THE VICTOR, THE devil IS ALREADY DEFEATED, CLAIM VICTORY IN JESUS NAME…

    • KIM,
      Britain will reap what it sows with its foreign god worshipers in No 10.
      Just as Obama did with his reign.
      In New Zealand our Leader is one of the Chief Baal worshippers bringing in unbridled abortions.
      Let God reign!.

      • Alex

        Jesus never waited for people to be Saved to heal them, He healed them, all of them. He didn’t wait for people to be Saved to delivered them from demons, He delivered them, all of them.
        When it is in our power to do good Alex, I do it, I cancel it out & reverse it, that affections the spirit realm & will soon manifest in the natural.
        I do not stop & will not, till Jesus lets me see it.
        Faith is seeing it done & we speak into being that which does not exist as though it does. Like God in Genesis, spoke to the nothing & made something.

        Ae, abortion is a curse to all the nations that have opened that door. I cried when our government passed that will, but my tears turned into Prayers & Tongues with the many Intercessors here. We have & still are repenting on behalf of our government & these woman who don’t know or even understand what they have done & brought on themselves. We continue to break every curse over our nation daily.
        His Fire in me will address every situation He brings to my attention & ALL of His Children should be moving as His Bride, taking up the authority we have in Christ & snatching people from the gates of hell.
        Jesus said, Father forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing

        Leaders lead, they don’t run & hide or look the other way.
        Follow Jesus lead, demons pose as people too & infiltrate the high places but we have His Word.

  7. I read that Sunak was involved with a company which the Royal Bank of Scotland bought into and brought about it’s downfall in 2008. Safe hands indeed.
    We have done this to ourselves. We have accepted ‘foreign gods’ in our institutions – education, research, NHS, banks etc. Mindfulness, yoga & other ‘alternative/new age therapies’ have opened the way for this infiltration. Anything but Christ.

  8. Sister Veronica we stand with from Australia. He God Almighty the One true God in Christ Jesus, permitted no man to oppress them,And He reproved kings for their sakes: Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm,in Psalms 105:14-15.

    By the Word of the Lord the heavens were made, And by the breath of His mouth all their hosts…Let all the earth fear the Lord; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him…..The Lord nullifies the counsel of the nations; He frustrates the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the Lord stands for ever, The plans of His heart from generation to generation. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance, Psalms 33:6-12.

    let God be merciful unto us and bless us and cause His face to shine upon us. Let His way be known to us, and His saving health in our nation,Ps67:1-2.  Let every covenant wth death and hell be broken in our nation, Isa. 28:18. Yes Lord we agreed with Your Holy Words and fulfill them for the UK people and govt, Your Body, release Your angels to fight for UK in Jesus Name. Praise God

  9. Once again my sister, look at Kenya.
    Elizabeth became Queen while in Kenya.
    Sunak has a Kenyan background.
    This year they elected a born again, spirit filled Christian as president of Kenya and rejected the relative of Barack Obama.
    Barrack Obama was born in Mombasa Kenya of a Kenyan father.
    Britain has entered its Obama hour, this man Sunak is going to try and hand the UK over to the WEF at Davos.

    A few years ago the Lord warned me that He is demolishing the Socialist Edifice that has stood against the preaching of the Gospel all over the world. In the 1920s and 30s Stalin founded what was known as the Communist International, a project to raise Atheistic communism all over the world, and he largely succeeded. That edifice is now the UN, the EU, China, it was Saddam Hussein, it was ISIS, and it is what Obama and Klaus Schwab are peddli over at DAVOS with the World Economic Forum. It runs the world and the banks and the finance and political system, the movies, the music and the education system and it has taken over charity, welfare and philosophy.
    And it begins in Kenya and spreads all over the world. Sunak must have his moment, and then the Lord will bring in His Disruptor.

  10. Veronica, give us prayer points! We are instructed to pray for our nation and our leaders but this appointment was demonically orchestrated to destroy this nation’s blessings and to bring in an anti-Christ agenda.

  11. There is nothing to fear with regards to the new PM, …it stirs the pot to bring the remnant back to life. This country has to fall apart, for it to rise again, it has become perverse & corrupt. ‘Christianity’ is a mere footnote in the nations history books, with no way back unless then comes the ‘shaking.’

    Blackouts, empty plates are on the way courtesy of the WEF, as it should, …how else are people going to turn back?

    The new PM will bring with him the lure of FREE STUFF, …but it’s a trap, as the ‘social credit’ system begins to rise.

    Only when this nation has truly lost all identity, will the Spitfire rise!

    God Bless xxx

    • Thanks David, for some sanity. I totally agree with your comment. The Bible doesn’t tell us that things will get better and easier in the end of days, quite the opposite actually. Matthew 24 are Jesus words. So everything is as the Bible predicted, perilous, perverted times with plagues,famines, wars and rumours of wars etc. It’s hard to hear and accept that persecutions will bring people back to God. The example are China and Iran. If things get better and easier why would people feel that they needed God as their Saviour. Things will get worse but souls will be added to the Kingdom and I believe the rapture will take us up just before things get unbearable as the Antichrist is revealed.
      Shalom and blessings

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